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[Solved] Suspended: Feeldumb

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If you believe that your account is incorrectly suspended:


1) Create a new topic named "Suspended: hh_username", replacing hh_username with your HelioHost username

2) In your post, include the following information:

a. your HelioHost username


b. the server your account is on


c. your HelioHost main domain



I received an email from you as follows:


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HelioHost Account Inactive


Saturday, March 30, 2013 3:25 PM





"no-reply@heliohost.org" <no-reply@heliohost.org>Add sender to Contacts






Dear feeldumb,


Your hosting account at HelioHost has been suspended for inactivity. In order to keep your account active you must log into your control panel at least once every 30 days. The last time you logged into your account was 2013-02-27. All visitors to your domain(s) will now see a suspended page instead of your original content.


If you still wish to continue using your hosting account you can reactivate it by visiting this page http://www.heliohost...t/scripts/renew and providing your username in the box. To prevent your account from being suspended again for inactivity in the future, please remember to log into your account http://heliohost.org/ at least once every 30 days.


If you have any problems with the reactivation process you can find support on our forums http://helionet.org/



HelioHost Staff


My problem is that I have logged onto my cpanel at least daily for weeks now. Perhaps I am not doing something I should. My firefox has an open tab to:




and when I connect my computer to the net, and start firefox, I usually get an 'Authentication required' box opening up asking for my Heliohost unername and password, which I enter. Even if I am not ready to mwork on my site that morning, I usually check the error logs in my cpanel and reload my site. I did that today, and every day for over a month. Does that not count as a login to my cpanel?

By the way, the 'Error log' section does not always seem to show the errors from my site. It usually says it cannot find 'favicon.ico' which confuses me, since there is no reference to that name anywhere in my stuff. And I usually have to load my site several times in order to see my hit counter, which is YOUR count.cgi (by Muquit, version 2.5). Right now (6:37 AM PDT) the error log is not showing any errors, even though my site is showing errors. It does seem to be a crap shoot which of my SSI (for example '#include virtual="/cgi-bin/test.cgi"') will or will not either function of show "[an error occurred while processing this directive]". Since I am not changing anything, I do wonder why it sometimes works, and sometime doesn't.


I wonder how I will know you have seen this? I quess I should check here from time to time. I hope I get an alert in my email (at:




Sorry to bother you here about this, but I do not think I can reply to 'no-reply'.


Oh yes, despite the occasional problem, I am very happy with you guys. Thank you very much for your help, sevice and support.


Have a nice day!


PS I suppose I should say that I did not seem to have any problem reactivating my site (other than the brief threat of heart failure - I really should back my stuff up). Thanks again!

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Yes, there are ways to log into your account where your signin will not be counted. That's why we always say:

To prevent your account from being suspended again for inactivity in the future, please remember to log into your account http://heliohost.org/ at least once every 30 days.


By the way, the 'Error log' section does not always seem to show the errors from my site. It usually says it cannot find 'favicon.ico' which confuses me, since there is no reference to that name anywhere in my stuff.

Favicon.ico is a small image file that browsers automatically look for to put on the tab for your site and next to any bookmark to pages on your site. Just google it for information on how to use it if you want to.


I wonder how I will know you have seen this? I quess I should check here from time to time.

In the top right corner there is a grey box labeled "Follow this topic". If you set your account settings to email you about followed topics and follow this topic you can set it up to email you each time someone replies to your topic.


Or you can just visit this topic again to check.

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