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[Answered] Error In Support Faq Link


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My as yet inactive domain:


On server Stevie


Well, so far I am impressed by a lot of the things I see here. Of course, I don't actually have a site yet.


While waiting for my site to be activated, I thought I would follow the instructions to read the Terms of Service, which was very clear and well written. And I followed the links and read the four guides at:






But when I tried to read the Support FAQ the link given for it:




"Firefox can't find the server at www.cl58services.co.cc."


And I cannot find where I can ask my no doubt dumb seeming questions. There does not seem to be anyone on the chat link (but maybe that is because it is the middle of the night there in the US).


I thought maybe I could put this in the.feedback and comments section, but that takes me out of here to a google site which then asks for my google password. That does seem to be the only thing that is NOT included in the forum here.


I had looked at your forum before I decided to try this service. I must admit, I was pleased to see there were recent posts. But what really impressed me was all the help you tried so hard to give the (sorry) moron who was unable to express himself well enough for you to even figure out what his question was.


I have another site (my first) over at awardspace. They say that perl cgi scripts are supported there. However, none of the SSI statements I inserted into my .shtml index page worked. I tried to ask a question in their forum, to see if anyone could tell me what I was doing wrong. So far, over 900 people have looked at my post, but no one has replied at all.


Some of the things I tried did work on my own laptop's apache server. There site does say there is a limit to the run time allowed for a script, I changed my script to this simple test.cgi:



print "Content-type: text/plain\n\nIt worked!\n";


But that does not work there either. All I really want is a simple hit counter for my simple site. But that is a different subject.


Anyway, some of your user's have said (to me) that this site worked great for them, your forum is still active, your people do go to some trouble to help even people who cannot even answer simple questions or express themselves well, and your Terms and Conditions do not require a law degree to understand them. I have high hopes for my site here.


I am a newbie. I was a computer programmer for 27 years, but I am clearly what Dilbert classifies as a dinosaur now. Please pray for me. Have a nice day!

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Welcome aboard! cl58services.co.cc is is indeed dead since co.cc mysteriously disappeared. The new location (cl58.tk) does not have the support FAQ. I found this: http://www.helionet.org/index/topic/5055-support-faq-read-this-first-updated-050111/. Hopefully this answers some of your questions, otherwise feel free to use the search! If you are unable to find your answers, creating a new topic is no problem.


The HelioHost community welcomes you and bids you happy hosting!

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But when I tried to read the Support FAQ the link given for it: http://www.cl58services.co.cc/heliohost/faq.html "Firefox can't find the server at www.cl58services.co.cc." And I cannot find where I can ask my no doubt dumb seeming questions.

The admin who maintained that site was hit by hurricane Sandy, and he survived but we haven't seen him too much since then. I was kind of figuring it'd be best for him to update the links and his site since it doesn't belong to me and it was a project he took on himself, but that co.cc thing has been down for quite a while. I poked around on his account and I think this http://cl58.tk/services/heliohost/v2/faq.html is the newest version of the FAQ.


I fixed the link on this page http://wiki.helionet.org/Terms Let us know if you find anymore broken links. Plus if you get 20 posts and are a member of Helionet for two weeks or more you could request wiki access http://www.helionet.org/index/forum/79-wiki-access-requests/ and edit the wiki pages yourself.


Welcome to Heliohost. That perl cgi should work just fine, but cgi in general can be kind of touchy to get working the first time because all the permissions and file encoding and syntax all has to be perfect. If you can't figure it out feel free to post and we can help you.


Chat can be kind of dead sometimes especially in the middle of the night, but since Heliohost is a community more than a company it means that users are here to help other users. A lot of people ask really simple common questions, and it doesn't take much hosting or even computer knowledge to help them. The more users help out with the easy questions the more time it will free up for the admins to work on bigger issues or roll out new features. All of the Heliohost staff started out exactly like you are now, and when we notice how helpful certain people are we sometimes offer them promotions so they can be more helpful.

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