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[Solved] Suspended: Rdmtcmi

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a. HelioHost username == rdmtcmi

b. HelioHost server == Stevie

c. HelioHost main domain == russell-d-mcarthur.heliohost.org


My hosting account is apparently suspended.


This is UNWARRANTED, I believe, because I last updated the WebSite's content -- by using its "cPanel" CONTROL-PANEL !! -- on JAN-15, which was only (29) days ago and therefore less than the critical "inactivity period" of "one month" !.


(Also, the "this page" reactivate-Link on the Suspension-notification WebPage does NOT work !!.)


(Also, I have cleared my (2) Web-Browsers' caches -- repeatedly.)


Please UN-Suspend and RE-Activate !!!





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Thanks for the response !.


I didn't previously recognize that HelioHost restriction. It's a very, VERY unfortunate restriction, but understandable (I suppose).


I most need to KEEP this WebSite:


a. HelioHost username == rdmtcmi

b. HelioHost server == Stevie

c. HelioHost main domain == russell-d-mcarthur.heliohost.org


Thanks !!


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I didn't previously recognize that HelioHost restriction.

Only one account is allowed per user.

Source: http://www.heliohost.org/home/signup/stevie and http://www.heliohost.org/home/signup/johnny

It's bright red, right below the terms of service, and right above the create account button. If you can think of a more obvious way to let people know that only one account is allowed we're open to suggestions.

It's a very, VERY unfortunate restriction, but understandable (I suppose).

I don't really understand what is so unfortunate about it. With unlimited addon domains, unlimited parked domains, unlimited databases, unlimited bandwidth, and unlimited ftp accounts you can host as many different websites as you can fit into your 500 MB. Your accounts use 62 MB, 384 KB, 360k, and 8.2 MB so it's not like you made multiple accounts to get around our only real limit: disk space.

I most need to KEEP this WebSite:

Like I alluded to in my previous paragraph, I don't see why you can't host all of your websites on your one account. You're welcome to the data from all of your accounts, but you're only allowed to have one account unsuspended at a time. If you want us to unsuspend one so you can make a backup of the data, and then unsuspend the next just let us know. If you'd prefer a link to the backup emailed to the contact email address of each account I could do that for you too.


The account rdmtcmi has been unsuspended.

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