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[Answered] Account Suspended For Third Time

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My account was suspended for the third time and this has lead to one of the moderators refusing to unsuspended it.

The second time my account was suspended I did ask if there was any query or script in particular that was using a lot of resource, but only received the same response as the first time that it was suspended.

If you would please give me another chance? I will do my best to reduce any script that could be causing high load.

If you will not, then will you at least give me a backup of my files and MySQL data, or temporarily give me access to my account so I can do it myself?


The reason we suspend accounts is because they are crashing the server. It's not fair for one site to hog all the system resources causing all the other 10,000 accounts to load slowly or not at all. We don't suspend accounts just to screw with you, or to force you to post on the forums. It doesn't seem to me like you understand this. Your account has been crashing Stevie on and off for months.


If an account owner seems to be taking steps to fix the problem we might decide to give them extra chances, but in your case it seemed like nothing ever changed. Maybe I'm wrong, or I've gotten the wrong impression but it seemed to me that your plan was just to crash the server over and over and each time you got suspended for it, "No big deal, I'll just post on the forum again before I need the site to be working again." Yes, you did ask once on a topic that was already flagged as solved what the problem was, but it's not our responsibility to redesign your site for you. I'm sorry I and the other admins missed that question, but it really doesn't take an administrator to figure out that php chat rooms cause massive amounts of load. In fact a lot of users planning on hosting a chat room will ask in advance if it's allowed because they know that chat rooms cause a lot of load and most free webhosting companies have them banned because of this fact.


We're a community of volunteers providing a free service, and if you're going to take advantage of it or abuse it we will take out the offending accounts to provide better service to the majority of users. Furthermore, Ice IT isn't "refusing" to unsuspend your account because he doesn't like you or he's just a mean guy or something which seems to me to be your implication, but rather he's just following our standard policy of three strikes and you're out.


Anyways, you should now be able to log into your account at http://heliohost.org/ to take a backup if you wish, but since this is your third suspension for high load your site will show 404, queued, or suspended for up to 24 hours.

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