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Hi !


I'm having a big problem to add a .hu parked domain (falcosoft.hu) to my site (falco1.heliohost.org). I have registered the domain with a Hungarian registrar. But if i want to add the parked domain in cpanel i got the error message :


Error from park wrapper: Using nameservers with the following IPs:, Sorry, the domain is already pointed to an IP address that does not appear to use DNS servers associated with this server. Please transfer the domain to this servers nameservers or have your administrator add one of its nameservers to /etc/ips.remotedns and make the proper A entries on that remote nameserver.


Then I requested the registrar to add heliohost nameservers namely ns1.heliohost.org and ns2.heliohost.org to my domain. They replied that they cannot do that until a checking procedure - that requires heliohost DNS servers to report my domain as valid - runs without errors. Namely:




But it cannot run without errors until I add my domain to my account, but I cannot add the domain to my account until it runs without errors (and my registrar can add the DNS servers to my domain). So it's a catch-22.


Can You help me to solve this problem?


Thanks in advance.


HelioHost's configuration does not allow for the addition of domains that are not already controlled by the nameservers. This prevents the addition of domains not owned by HelioHost users.


Understandably, some registrars want to verify their users are not moving their DNS to servers they do not own or control. An admin should be able to add the domain and override HelioHost's configuration for you.


Hi Krydos !

No , I can not do that. The registrar set NS records in the domain name zone to heliohost nameservers, but Cpanel still cannot park the domain. The problem may be that the main nameservers are still set to netmask.hu.

Error from park wrapper: Using nameservers with the following IPs:, Sorry, the domain is already pointed to an IP address that does not appear to use DNS servers associated with this server. Please transfer the domain to this servers nameservers or have your administrator add one of its nameservers to /etc/ips.remotedns and make the proper A entries on that remote nameserver.


Thanks for your help!


Hi !


I can not modify manually anything, only the registrar is capable of doing this. But never mind, I have made the decision to move the site to netmask.hu. (the registrar is a web hosting company, too). Its hosting service is inferior to heliohost in every aspect, and is not free either, but Hungarian rules make hosting in this form much easier. So this is not your fault, I love stevie and heliohost very much (I have mixed feelings about johnny :)). I have never seen so helpful admins as heliohost's (especially You, Krydos, you helped me very much in chat), so thank you for all your help.

I would like to keep my account, but temporarily I would like to use 301 redirects on my heliohost site.

Can I do this ?


I've always wondered why registrars did everything they could to make setting up a new website as much of a pain as possible...


It's like going to a car dealership and purchasing a new vehicle. They take your money, tell you that the car is yours, and then chuck your keys out into a field. Then they say that you can figure out how to get the car home on your own or you can also purchase a driver for your car for an additional cost. Sure, sure, the car belongs to you, but good luck finding the keys!


It's a blatant scam in my opinion.


If they won't let you set the nameservers on the domain that you purchased, and they won't let you set the A record on the domain that you pruchased you could try this.

  1. Use this tool http://www.heliohost.../scripts/domain to change your account's main domain to the .hu domain.
  2. Then try to use the registrars tools to set the nameservers and/or A record.
  3. Once they let you do that use the same tool again http://www.heliohost.../scripts/domain to change your main domain back to what it was before.
  4. Now that you have the registrar tricked into using the correct settings use this tool http://stevie.helioh...park/index.html to add the .hu domain as a parked domain.

If you're willing to admit defeat and fall for their scam you can just use the redirects http://stevie.helioh...e/redirect.html like you mentioned. We're cheering for you man; fight the corporate capitalistic greed! ^_^

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