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[Answered] Moving Servers

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domain centraldgr.com server johnny. I notice johnny seems to have some problems lately, and I know if I want to change servers all I have to do is request deletion of my account then sign up again. Is there not an easier way of moving from johnny to stevie as I am afraid of being left without my domain for too long.


Following on screen instructions to request a server move, I asked for account deletion under the belief it would take about 48 hours. Now I see it may be several weeks. I cannot be without my domain for that length of time, so why so long as 48 hours is bad enough?


Yes, server changes usually take 48 hours or less, but account creation and deletion causes a lot of load so it can take longer if things are overloaded.


There is not an easier way to switch servers because each person is only allowed one account so you have to delete your old account before you can create your new one.


If you have been following the instructions in the wiki the the first step is to backup everything you want to keep so it's not possible to follow the instructions and lose everything because you have a backup.


As of the time of this post your account has not been deleted yet so if you want to cancel the deletion type your username into this tool http://www.heliohost.org/home/support/scripts/renew


Firstly, I want to stay with heliohost, as I have heard nothing but good about you's. Entirely my fault for choosing the wrong server, and up until today all was well then server johnny went down causing all sorts of problems (phone calls from people asking why I am not responding to emails etc..) All I wanted to do was change server.


GRRRRR! My local council is laying cable for fibre optic, and its causing problems with my connection which I keep losing. As if I don't have enough problems. Hate Internet now! :(


Johnny isn't down and actually has less downtime so far today than a few days ago. If your talking about the little load image and the x on the home screen there was a bug in the server monitoring scripts but it's fixed now. Johnny will always have less uptime than Stevie because mono and java cause a lot of spiky load and when the load gets too high it makes pages load slowly or not at all.


Well that wasn't my intention. My intention was to explain things to you calmly because you seemed to be panicking quite a bit. Your choices at this point are to cancel the account deletion to continue with your current account or allow the deletion to go through in order to recreate your account on Stevie. What do you want to do?


might be too late now! :wacko: Getting: We're sorry, but we either could not find that account in the database, or it is not listed as inactive. Please contact an administrator if you feel this message is in error.


No, you can only remove it from the deletion queue once. If you try again it is no longer queued for deletion because it has already been reactivated.

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