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  1. Sometimes when i try to connect to my website i get an error named "Internal server error". dear admin what is it caused by? i know that it isn't caused by my script . it's fully original. Will this problem get fixed? server: stevie
  2. i wonder what the consumers think aboout server stabilities and it's availabilities? so, i want the consumers to write theire opinions about the server their website is hosted on.
  3. I can't login to the cpanel when i try to log in it show: This server is currently not licensed. Please contact the server administrator. Other services available on this server such as web services are likely functioning normally. (License has a future date) Once the license on this server is active, you will no longer see this message. If you have installed a license since loading this page, click here to reload. what is the problem for the server? i am using stevie Thank you.
  4. While doing some work towards developing mobile apps,and getting to grips with Gnome-shell, my interest in Server-side Javascript has been renewed. I'm thinking of using it for web-scraping and to gather content from API Services to enrich web site content. I've specifically been using Node.js and wonder if any other Heliohost members are interested in or already using these technologies. Also wondering whether it would be acceptable to load node.js to my Heliohost space. Given that we do not have shell access to our accounts- ( sigh! - though I do understand the reasons) I anticipate creating a little perl/ CGI harness to launch node and apps using it. Thinking too that perhaps this approach would provide away to use Drush( Drupal's command line interface) on Heliohost'ed sites. Any observations/ pointers/ suggestions would be most welcome. I would have looked through other posts for relevant materials but unfortunately javascript is a forbidden search term . .a little odd for forums largely devoted to programming. .
  5. I have been a user of Heliohost for a over two years now, and I am wondering what is going to happen to heliohost now that its servers are overload or are starting to overload,and that the admin of the site hasn't been working on the site for about a good 2 months now. Is there some money issues or something? Is heliohost going to continue? What's wrong?
  6. Hello there. For some unexplained reason, the server (Johnny) is not reachable for periods of 1 to 5 mins. This occurs quite frequently, like every 5 to 20 mins. Sometimes I can work for an hour without interruption. Why is that? Can this issue be resolved? I am in Australia. Server: Johhny URL: freegrace.heliohost.org User: jschudel Thank you
  7. my website deodeye.heliohost.org frequesntly facing a problem Internal Server Error.. you can check it, it always return error when we click a subdirectory. whats the problem? @admin: can you delete my account, and re-make again with a fresh settings? please help me
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