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    Warsaw, Poland

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  1. Hello, My domain name: matyka.heliohost.org I've made donation for Jimmy server, receipt #: 51084064. When can I expect space increase +4000MB ?
  2. I have used Przelewy24 as PayPal payment option. I can forward you a receipt as needed.
  3. Receipt number: 1680602962481642 Account which should be credited: matyka
  4. Hi, I've used different @ address to donate. What should I do in this situation ? Best regards, Adam
  5. Hi! Couldn't run aspx script for matyka.heliohost.org account. It was functional some days ago... Thanks for help...
  6. I try to use my http://matyka.heliohost.org/test.aspx but there is still message: Server HangupDescription: Server Hangup I've had ASP.NET enabled for my account. What can you do in this case ? Best regards, Adam
  7. Yes, thank you!
  8. Yes, thank you! Will problem return again?
  9. Will it be resolved ?
  10. Hello, I tried to log in several times to my account but there are still messages: Connection refused Description: Connection refused or This site is unreachable The website at https://tommy.heliohost.org:2083/ may be temporarily unavailable or permanently transferred to a new internet address.ERR_TUNNEL_CONNECTION_FAILED Using log in from https://www.heliohost.org I receive info Invalid Login My credentials: http://matyka.heliohost.org/ user name: matyka
  11. I'm trying to log in to cpanel and receive error: This site is unreachable The website at https://tommy.heliohost.org:2083/ may be temporarily unavailable or permanently transferred to a new internet address.ERR_TUNNEL_CONNECTION_FAILED What should I do?
  12. I have similar problem: Trying to log in to cpanel and reveive Connection refused Description: Connection refused or This site is unreachable The website at https://tommy.heliohost.org:2083/ may be temporarily unavailable or permanently transferred to a new internet address.ERR_TUNNEL_CONNECTION_FAILED
  13. I've tried to get backup data from Stevie using your backup adress but nothing happened, informational @ doesn't arrived. Can you help me? User: adammat @: matyka@mail.com
  14. Great thanks
  15. account: matyka.heliohost.org username: matyka server: Tommy
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