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Everything posted by tstamphaus

  1. Ok, just 'uploaded' new user + pwd. after submit it says: Your new password has been securely stored in the system, but it has not been automatically applied to the account. An admin needs to manually assign the new password to the account. Please let an admin know that you have submitted your new password. Once an admin has updated the password to what you just entered you will be able to login with the new credentials. so it seems to work.
  2. By the way... it seems my main-account is locked after trying to login with the subaccount for a couple of times :-(. It's on Tommy2.
  3. Hi all, I read the SFTP subaccounts were deleted. But I do need the one I had (restricted access to only one of my directories). Can you please recreate a SFTP subaccount for me? The subaccount should have the following directory as 'root': /tstamp/public_html/test.stampaner.nl Thnx!
  4. You're right about the DKIM check, I didn't. Thought 'default' would be the default ;-). Still no response from Google. Bit fed up with them not responding so I'll migrate to another mail account somewhere else. Should be solved than. Thanks for your help
  5. Ok, getting there step by step ;-). FYI still no response from Google on my support request :-(. Retested and found som news: The autoforward works for mails sent from non-Gmail accounts. These Emails are delivered to the local mailbox at heliohost, forwarded to Gmail AND received/accepted in my Google mailbox. 🙂 🙂 🙂 BUT for mails sent from Gmail accounts (I've tried a couple) autoforward mails are not yet accepted by google. Emails are delivered to the local mailbox at heliohost but NOT received/accepted by Gmail I'll use this new/current toolbox results and current setting to add to my support request at Google and hope for some response now. Running the Google toolbox again for the domain stamphaus.nl I see almost everything is 'green'. Also the MX-records and MX-search check is approved/green. Only two 'yellows' remain (of which the second one is NOT A PROBLEM according tot Google): DKIM is not configured .... strange, this issue is not showing up in your list...? There's no additional information with that score in my overview... No Mail exchangers ... that's no problem / caused by the auto forward. (the additional information in that line states that I can ignore that).
  6. No repsonse from google yet Did find a Google toolbox that is suggested to check to prevent messages being marked as spam: https://toolbox.googleapps.com/apps/checkmx/ If I run that one for my domains I get a number of issues that Google sees regarding Nameservers vs CNAME, NS, MX, TXT and SPF records. But these results are a bit of abracadabrra to me... you?
  7. P.s. I added mail-tester in the forward rule box (second tab, field 'Forward incoming messages to the following email address') and that caused the replies. So aparently the forward rule doesn't use 'TO' but 'CC' or something that triggers mail-tester to block these automatically forwarded mails.
  8. Ok, thnx for the check. Will pass on the IP to Gmail and see if I can get some things done there.
  9. Sorry, I've been away for a couple of days (and checking thiings on my Phone didn't work out that well 😉) I've done some analysis and it seems that my existing mailaccounts are a bit better of than the new one but both still have issues. To check things/rootcause I have disabled autoforwarding and enabled a mailbox for all three accounts and than tried a number of things. send an email to info@... on all three domains. WORKS. All three domains are receiving Email in the mailboxes sent from a Gmail account reply on the mail received to the Gmail account WORKS. replies from all three domains are received by the Gmail account now I re-activated the autoforward but keeping the mailbox in place ISSUE no mail received on the Gmail account mentioned in the autoforward 😞 Changing the autoforward mail adress to a mail-tester account has no effect... https://www.mail-tester.com/test-2tmy7uvq1 (for the domain info@stamphaus.nl) is not receiving the auto forward mail either ?!? So... it still seems there is something going wrong with the auto-forward function. Even if I change the receiving mailadres to a non-Gmail account (mail-test). All other mailfunctionality (send, reply) is working fine... Any new ideas? I don't know where to look for an issue like this.
  10. Ok, thnx. I'll see if I can get some help from Google. One other thing I just noticed (didn't see it before...): my main account now has the remark '! The mail service is switched off' ... I can't find where to (re)activate this in Plesk... Can you help me with that one? Might be causing the trouble. Thnx again!
  11. Thnx @krydos. Testing SPF and DKIM now at mail-tester seems fine. Mails still don't arrive at any of the three domains. I'm not sure how/what to test on mail-tester.com but I've sent the following email: - from my Stampaner - Gmail account - to all three domains AND to the testmail account at mail-tester That results in the following report: https://www.mail-tester.com/test-kgdixbvib I also tested it from another mailaccount not related to any of the domains but the result there is the same. Does this give any insights?
  12. FYI: just now realised that it might be that SPF and DKIM records were skipped in the Plesk migration. Some other files/settings regarding domain connectors were also missing...
  13. Thanks @wolstech, That might be the case for the new domain (info@stampaner.nl) but the mailaccounts info@cj7limited.nl and info@stamphaus.nl are existing and working mailaccounts that worked fine for years. I've sent the testmails from Gmail indeed. Checked the Gmail spam folder but no mails there :-|. I'll go check how to setup SPF or DKIM record. Any other ideas how the existing account could have stopped working...?
  14. Hi all, I've added a couple of Email adresses to my new domain (stampaner.nl) recently but I noticed they didn't work (autoforwarding). Testing my existing mailadresses for the existing domains (stamphaus.nl and cj7limited.nl) I noticed that NONE of the existing mailadresses work anymore. I don't get a bounce or anything but the test mails I've sent just don't come through. I probably did something stupid 😉 but I can't find what and can't find any similar issue in the Forum. Any Ideas what could have caused this? Thnx again!
  15. Great, thnx! Will setup the nameservers now.
  16. Hi, I'd like to create a new domain in my plesk environment but I can't find how. Is that possible to do by myself of not? If not, can you please create the following: - stampaner.nl -> connected to the directory stampaner.nl - www.stampaner.nl -> connected to the directory stampaner.nl (same as above) - test.stampaner.nl -> connected to the directory test.stampaner.nl And does plesk already support the generation of ssl certificates? Or should I do that myself? Thnx again!
  17. Ah, great. thnx. Could you please point the jeep.cj7limited.nl subdomain to the root for that site: /tstamp/cj7limited.nl/ ? It's used as a sort of alias :-). I noticed that the authorisation (username/pwrd access) is gone for the test-sites/directories but that would be the .htaccess story you mentioned. I will fix that myself. Thnx again!
  18. Hi @krydos, I'm still not getting the right sites for the subdomain URL's...? They're all three routing me to a domain default Plesk-page... Maybe the subdomain is there but it's not connected to the right directory or something?
  19. Ls, Yesterday my account/sites were migrated to Plesk. First impression is really nice. Thanks for the good work! I had a couple of subdomains configured with my sites but those seem to be missing in the Plesk environment after migration. Could you please check and see what's wrong? I'm missing the following subdomains: - test.stamphaus.nl (development purposes, password protected) - test.cj7limited.nl (development purposes, password protected) - jeep.cj7limited.nl (production, publicly accessible) My account is: tstamp Thnx again!
  20. Hi all,I've generated new SSL-certificates for my two domains.Could you please install those?They're in the folders:- /home/tstamp/cert_cj7limited- /home/tstamp/cert_stamphaus on Tommy. Used a different tool since Zero SSL passed the 90days of free use. Hope this works aswell (I didn't expect the .txt extention) Thnx again!
  21. Hi @Krydos, I got the message that my current certificates wil expire in 3 days. I know you're all pretty busy but would appreciate if you can upload the new ones somewhere before that? Thanks again!
  22. Hi all,I've generated new SSL-certificates for my two domains.Could you please install those?They're in the folders:- /home/tstamp/cert_cj7limited- /home/tstamp/cert_stamphaus on Tommy. Thnx!
  23. Hi all, I made a Paypal donation ( 5U682724VE052494A ) under a different Email than my account. Could you please connect it to my account 'tstamp'? Thanx again!
  24. Thnx. By the way, this is on Tommy, forgot to mention 🙂
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