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Everything posted by DemonnPrincess

  1. Okay, so I tried again just now (it's 8:16am my time [Central Time]) and it worked.I was I was able to successfully apply for my account, and now I am just waiting patiently for it to be created. I don't wanna close it yet because I see there is another person who commented who was having the same problem as me. For some reason, just now I was able to successfully apply. (it's around 8:18am my time) Is it still doing it to you?
  2. Hello, I successfully donated some money to Tommy and thus got an invite. The email says "If you would like to create an account on Tommy please click the link below to begin:" and following that it has the HelioNet logo with an anchor caption that says "Validate Your Email Address." When I click on it, it opens up to a link that has some code that I know is meant to let the page know it's me (or something to that effect), but then it goes to the page "https://www.heliohost.org/signup/username/" with just a blank white page on the outside. (When I bring up my Firefox inspection, there is some HTML code there for a Pinterest extension, but nothing else.) I've tried clearing my cookies, restarting my browser, using a different browser (so far only tested on Chrome and IE; both said that the page couldn't be displayed). I originally tried to do this on my phone through my phone's email, and it too brings up a blank page on FireFox mobile, and a "Can not be displayed" in Chrome mobile. I've gone and tried once again removing my cookies, but specifically searching for and deleting any heliohost cookies, but still nothing. I attached a screenshot of both my computer and my phone on that specific page for a visual reference. Perhaps I am doing something wrong? Thank you for taking the time to read this.
  3. EDIT: I actually figured out my problem posted earlier below by mistake, so I apologize. Lol. For the sake of helping others who may be wondering the same thing I'll leave it though; basically they do in fact know your email when you donate. For people who use paypal regularly this is common knowledge I assume, but even I didn't know for sure. Hello, I don't wanna make it all "public" (lol) that I donated, but I did donate. Will the email be visible to you in the donation? Or should I post it here? Thank you for working so hard to try and keep everything running regardless though. I know how it is to "plug a gaping hole in a singing ship with your hand just for two more to bust open out of reach" so to speak.
  4. Okay. Thank you very much for your help.
  6. Sorry for such a late reply. Thank you, that would be great if I could have them freed up or deleted so I can start again with the same domain.
  7. Sorry for such a late reply. Okay, I understand. Thank you very much for your response. I have one more question: will my domain still be available or will I have to come up with a new one? I am using the ".heliohost.com" domain rather than paying for a regular yearly ".com" one. (EDIT: oops I meant "heliohost.org" domain.)
  8. (Hopefully this is in the right place. If not then I apologize). I found out maybe last week that the reason why I can't get to my website is because the Stevie server is down. I also know that you have to login to cpanel at least once every 30 days or your site gets shut down, but of course because of the server being down I haven't been able to log in (I do it every two weeks instead of every 30 days). Is this going to affect my account and make my site go down, even though the server is down? I see a lot of people requesting to go to Tommy from Steevie in the forumns. Would that be a possibility for me? Except for a few minor things I have my entire site backed up. Thank you for taking the time to read this
  9. (I think I post this to the right place) I know the rule about logging in within 30 days or your website will be deactivated. However, I've been logging in for a month now, and yesterday I got an email telling me that I needed to reactivate the website(which I did) but it said the last time I logged in was April 10th, but I just logged in last three days ago to check email and things like that...is there a specific place I need to go when I login so it knows I'm on? Thank you for taking the time to read this.
  10. Okay, that's understandable. Thank you very much.
  11. Sorry if this isn't in the corrct order. I have set up a key, I have a signed cookie from a provider, and I have my CSR all set. I read somewhere where you have to use a dedicated IP address, and I was wondering if my website has one? I pinged it in Command Prompt(on Windows) and the same IP came up but not in the browser. My website isn't finished(just basically white with text right now) but I wanted to secure it before I started building onto it, but If my website is not dedicated IP, would I be allowed to request one? My website is demonnos.heliohost.org Thank you for taking the time to read this.
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