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Everything posted by Prashant

  1. free IPB versions are quite good. U can find their mods @ invisionize As for phpbb, plain phpbb sucks But phpbb fm (fully modded ) rocks
  2. What about AMD dual cores???? I have heard AMD is soon set 2 launch quad core proceessors.!!! Any info about them
  3. India!!! The most beautifull girls live here
  4. For me its Hindi (Our national language) English French and Chinese
  5. The cheaper ones are the single core not the dual core. The dual core ones are costly from AMD side
  6. Well this is right as in KDE4 they are introducing true glass type icons that would make it look awesome
  7. Nice One Dragon Fire
  8. Can anybody email me the invitation??? My email is h.flash@gmail.com
  9. For some reason Dual core rocks more on Linux than on windows, the reason might be in the fact that the linux kernel are much better stream lined for multi threading than windows
  10. Welcome to the helionet community and i must say u will enjoy urself here
  11. For me its the today games that really rock, the graphics the AI the textures the music and of course truly cinematic gameplay, are just amazing.
  12. I love Nirvana, metallica, linkin park, greenday and Rasmus But I like only a few songs of linkin park, other wise it always smells like teen spirit (YO Nirvana Rocks!! )
  13. Yeah once again a nice post man. this video is really funny
  14. Really a nice and funny video
  15. Just found http://www.atforumz.com/archive/index.php/t-222279.html and http://www.io.com/~flashlk/jokes.htm Great sites for flash jokes
  16. I think by using Azureus and Bittorrent u actually are meaning to download commercial games which is against the copyright law and is piracy. If its for free games then its OK , although I do doubt
  17. You can try the new IE which comes with Vista, it looks awesome and has many added functionalities and apart from all this it is fast BUT still in beta phase So I go with Firefox
  18. Brooklyn has Zeus ; the most powerfull bitbeast with complete control over darkness powers. Special attack : Darkness Storm My turn to ask question : What makes Kai and Brooklyn the same in one way?? Answer: Their Darkness in the character, overconfidence and boastfull nature
  19. I think the life cycle is all backwards. You should die first, start out dead and get it out of the way. Then you wake up in an old age home feeling better every day.. You get kicked out for being too healthy, go collect your pension, then, when you start work, you get a gold watch on your first day. You work 40 years until you're young enough to enjoy your retirement. You drink alcohol, you party, you're generally promiscuous and you get ready for High School. You go to primary school, you become a kid, you play, you have no responsibilities, you become a baby, then, you spend your last 9 months floating peacefully w ith luxuries like central heating, spa, room service on tap, larger quarters everyday, and finally you finish off as an infant. I rest my case as above is just an imagination.
  20. Well !! No more arguments, all I should say is that you can keep guessing but if you believe me then I am not at E10host
  21. Umm!! This list looks nice. Thanks you all and my addition http://www.flashjokeoftheday.com/ -- the website with best jokes err.. flash jokes.
  22. May be , You know this Prashant name is slightly common in India. Anyways but now I know that u 2 are a member at e10host forum
  23. If you think you can do it then Nothing is impossible. A mouse can do anything for cheese, anything! Beware the vegeterian is here! This is bound to happen if you be online all the time. This classic model of Harley Davidson is available in a nearby showroom! An Alien Entertainment Club I am lost and need a lift.. That's how men get to their destination faster than women.
  24. I used to watch LOST till last year, but the series is getting repetitive and for this reason I now watch Action and Spy movies because they are much fresher.
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