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Everything posted by Prashant

  1. Well geeks like HerLoss would always prefer the classic command line look but novices like me would love GUI though I have started learning the commands as well. Any Linux distro can be made beautiful by KDE and Gnome. So it is pretty much flavour independent but interest dependent .
  2. Well since the engine core of game is same as that NFS U-II. hence if u played NFS U-II then u would be able to play this game as well.
  3. Guess then I will have to advocate for NO in the debate to win the competetion. But yet something in me tells me when their will be an external attack (read alien attack which is supposedly more powerfull than the earth's resistence) then for survival all human race will unite and then as soon as the war is over, "no matter whether humans win or lose, they will split as if they were indifferent and never knew each other"
  4. Umm< I do agree with you as the FIFA Worldcup 2006 logo is not that sharp.
  5. Ok Then I am going to enroll in classes for python. I have heard python can also be used to create web scripts. Is this true???
  6. Put more load on your brain and see that these images are not that simple.
  7. Simply couldn't hold my laughter and thought was worth sharing. source :email
  8. Well, the vacations have started and I have got enough time to watch a Movie a day. So after hearing a lot of praise about action stunts and the news that this movie is from wachwoski brothers I decided to watch this movie at the multiplex. here goes the review : The story is based on an old comic strip. Set in a Britain of the future, which is under a totallitarian government. Enter "V", a freedom fighter, sort of like a modern day Guy Fawkes. Hugo Weaving has done an brilliant job, even though we never get to see his face. Natalie Portman is very good. And I liked the chappie playing the inspector Well, those expecting a typical Wachowski fare, be warned. It isnt exactly an out and out action film. And it isnt loaded with SFX either. The first half is quite fast pace, but the second half drags a wee bit. The couple of major action sequences are quite exciting. I would say watch it for hugo weaving He's come a long way since his agent smith and Elrond days.... My Ratings out of a scale of 7: Storyline == 2.67 Storyline == 4.33 Screenplay == 3.33 Cinematography == 5.33 Sound/Music == 5.33 COmments: This movie can get an OSCAR for Dialouge delievery but unfortunately there's no such creteria.
  9. Recently I started using linux but my friends are windows fan. They don't agree with me that WITHOUT the use of any software like windowsblinds or object dock, Linux can actually look better than windows. Here are some screenshots to prve my words: KDE: GNOME: If U want more themes to ice your linux desktop(KDE) here you go KDE-LOOK ====>>>So Enjoy Linux To The Maximum<<<=====
  10. Penumbra Minimum requirements: Windows 2k/XP, CPU 1Ghz, RAM 512MB, Radeon 9600/Geforce FX. Size: 200MB Download Website Comments: I just played this game. Awesome graphics and moreover its FREE
  11. Link 1 Link 2 Link 3 Link 4
  12. Ok I have Removed Grub and installed GAG (This all was not that easy) and I think GAG is truly worth appreciation; simple and easy yet powerfull. The mounting problem still persists so I just converted the File system to Resizer FS. Till now all is well.
  13. I think that Grub is doing the fine job of dual booting BTW is GAG more feature rich??? and yes one problem, sometimes when I try to mount the FAT32 HDD Slackware just refuses saying that device can't be mounted. --Any reasons why???
  14. Thanx Buddy!! I have decided to run Slackware Linux.
  15. hi guys i know there are many version of linux and I wanna try one as well.Can any one tell me which is the best for desktop.i want to have dual os.already have WIN XP prof. (9/10 people have it).pls suggest one.
  16. I saw my friend running Xbox Media Center. I was shocked and amazed and couldn't stop myself from asking how he managed to do this. He said by modding his old XboX. I decided to do the same and googled for a guide and finally found a guide that makes it all clear and easy. WARNING: Attempting to modify your Xbox is done at your own risk as it is possible to damage your console through the steps outlined in this guide. How to Go from Xbox to Xbox Media Center in 30 minutes
  17. Oh Gosh!! , I cannot wait for this game! The developers have retained the old Underground racing look to it this time, except with a lot more beautifull cars. Click here for screenshot
  18. Not again!! I got it wrong again??? Shhh!! Anyways I am happy DS will be DS only
  19. Yupp!! I do agree, Nintendo has adapted many features from the older versions. but its not like old Jam in new bottle. They have included some never before features as well
  20. If what u say is true then I should better watch and play this game somewhere else before buying it. Anyways thanx for the comment
  21. Can anybody tell me which lanuguage is easier to learn perl or python ??? I need help b'coz My 1 month vacations are about to begin and I wanna learn something new in this vacation.
  22. This is exactly the question I have to debate upon after 1 week, so I thought i need some good points that you ppl can give me. Well I go for yes and my reason is that there are several issues on which one country, race, creed or caste can't do anything. For that matter consider environmental issues, they can't ever be solved untill all ppl of earth think as one unit. Different ppl have different opinions but a violent and mad clash of ego and prestige is never a solution but intellectual debate certainly can give one.
  23. How about a "WallPaper of the month" contest ??? This will also increase the user activity on forum and also make forum a more enjoyable place.
  24. I got below wallpaper from my friend and uploaded it to my image host as I thought it was worth Sharing I hope you all enjoy it
  25. Source: Game Spot My friends have seen its leaked trailers and say this game is going to be a great FPS as its game engine is very close to Doom III engine core.
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