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Everything posted by yellowjacket

  1. I bought the 1 month of free hosting after 25 posts and I cannot use it! It says this when I press sign up IPB WARNING [2] mysql_connect(): Lost connection to MySQL server during query (Line: 52 of /sources/storeitems/item_hosting.php) Can someone help me? Thanks
  2. its a garbage [bleeped!] laptop
  3. why would a school be anti-firefox? its better than ie
  4. Why do some computers have water coolers? Aree the computers so powerful that without the cooler it would become extremely hot?
  5. i was pressing enter and nothing was goin on
  6. what was the point of the story?
  7. looks like the bank feature is aleady installed
  8. I saw that on a commercial. The game looks really good it looks just like the old Mario's but alittle different.
  9. Ps3 copies all the other systems [bleeped!] sony
  10. Does anyone here have Oblivion and if so what mods are you currently using?
  11. hte joy luck club
  12. No i dont like greenday i think they suck
  13. i was born in north america
  14. Sounds like firefox now
  15. I think google is the best serach engine, it is what I always use for websites and pics.
  16. What is the html code to put flash on a site? Thanks
  17. I don't have a favorite code.
  18. wow that is some news
  19. im alittle confused, I have to ask for the site? I can't just go to the store?
  20. great way to already [bleeped!] up the revolution sales before it even comes out
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