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Everything posted by Snowboardalliance

  1. http://www.htmlgoodies.com
  2. There's been a lot of security updates. In November I had 2.0.11, and now I have 2.0.16 Plus, once Olympus is completed, they will add features more often, since most of the development is going into that. (btw, I just saw the acp of Olympus and it is sweeet)
  3. That's a pretty good resource.
  4. Wow, there must be a lot of terrorists then.
  5. Yeah, Like if you take off one of the sides.
  6. phpBB hands down. I have never seen a reason to pay for a php application when you can get something like it for free. Plus Olympus will have so many features. (you can go here http://www.phpbbhacks.com/phpbb300/ to see the ACP)
  7. *checks memberlist...* YA! :w00t: :yay: :w00t: When will it be up?
  8. Glad it's back, I thought DNS was crapping out again for me.
  9. w/e it's right now 803 *)# # (hmm alt+803) # (is the same as alt+0803)
  10. I think that the GIMP is better than both of those because it is legally free/open source. It has all I need so I like it.
  11. What are you guys doing? it's 801 so 801...
  12. Neither do I lol
  13. Hey, another new member, maybe we can get 25 members with 25 posts soon... well that was off-topic anyway, too bad you gave up your site.
  14. 725 I mean &@% 7.25%
  15. Lol, the title made it sound like you didn't just give up your account but someone hacked you...
  16. That's how it is in michigan Level 1 (permit) Level 2 (age 16 license) Level 3 (real license)
  17. that link gives me a DNS problem in FF and IE, but it sounds pretty bad. I got my permit at the end of April, I better be careful
  18. Yeah, a lot is the same. Of course there are so many differences, but the main idea is still there.
  19. 692 #%*&)#%(*#%_@$#@#+@!!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~
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