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sylvain last won the day on July 26 2024

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About sylvain

  • Birthday 10/11/1976

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    Like creating personnal websites for my friends, and other creations. Like Heliohost very much and the peoples that administrate it. I'm helping some time some peoples or/and company's. I have created some free pdf guides about some softwares. Examples: Sylvain Futurepinball free pdf guide. Sylvain Milkshape3d free pdf guide. Sylvain Mamewah free pdf guide.

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  1. I'm glad to help KazVee, i always try to do good things to and for the peoples. But as i say, if i would not have good peoples with good intentions for me; i would not be able to have and do great good things. As i say to give good things to peoples, and leave good footprints into peoples lives.
  2. i have got to say that your way moneybro i believe its way better, because it dont need some external website. But im no expert as many moderators and administrators. I just try to find things online that are free and mostly legal. What i think would be good that maybe admins and moderators could create is some kind of heliohost rss embed code generator. Maybe similar as rssdog. Some kind of free widget for all users, as it give users and viewers some news about heliohost. Youre result is great, would be good in the footer that display the news. Also what i think be great, would be small as a news widget i think is some kind of iframe that would show "3" horizontal news lines (but first line clickable news above the second line clickable news, and second line news above the third line news) this into some iframe. But theses 3 clickable news line (that show the title bold, and date not bold), would have the possibility to show the next 3 horizontal clickable news. Why this type of heliohost news player? To be compatible with the different "displays" and small embed section in a page (desktop/laptop/smart phone).The user would choose if the 3 horizontal "latest" news (each above the other), would show like the 3 next latest news. How they would appear? A little like the msn bing news apear (with the arrows) that make possible to scroll to the next latest later news. The users would see the heliohost 3 clickable recent link news that auto change (scrooling into a iframe), the viewers could then if they want click the arrows above (next news/previous news) as msn bing. If the user dont scroll the news with the arrows (like 10 seconds "each part news") then it auto scroll again. The link directly to the helionet informations. I think it is a good idea, but i wonder what you might think?
  3. Me what i have memorize is the rssdog. Here is the embed html codes i have made with it: <iframe width="250" height="250" class="rssdog" src="https://www.rssdog.com/index.php?url=https%3A%2F%2Fhelionet.org%2Findex%2Frss%2F1-news.xml&mode=html&showonly=&maxitems=5&showdescs=0&desctrim=0&descmax=0&tabwidth=80%25&excltitle=1&showdate=1&nofollow=1&utf8=1&linktarget=_blank&bordercol=%23d4d0c8&headbgcol=%23999999&headtxtcol=%23ffffff&titlebgcol=%23f1eded&titletxtcol=%23000000&itembgcol=%23ffffff&itemtxtcol=%23000000&ctl=0"></iframe>
  4. Thanks for letting know. It not only help my self, but could help other heliohost users. 👍 Also if some peoples search the forum with the word like: "embed news" i think they should find this discussion and find the rss feed indications. I just noted at the present time that this rss.app is a trial of like 5 days. So i wonder if there is peoples that know some free rss to embed with basic things with no trial as time limit. My new website that i'm building (not online at the present time) have a page that give the link to this rss.app url. So like that users could simply click the link and see the heliohost news. But i think that i must abandon the embed radio that peoples suggested for the site, that i find sad for me and sad for the peoples request. I think more to maybe put some free embed weather widget for the users, that simply locate the localisation and show the weather of the place there are; but i wonder if this free widget exist to embed?
  5. Recently some peoples had say that it could be very difficult to do. I have try to understand them why, but it seem too much complicated for me to understand. So i think to abandon this embed idea, when so many peoples have told me it would be great to do so. It sad because i want so many good things for the peoples. Peoples that know me, know that my intentions are good and not against any ones. So i think it would be maybe better for them, that i simply when i have time, to create some radio page that simply have some text link to the url of the free radio station website. Maybe some sections, that by clicking some category; would make some scrooling list of url links? Maybe peoples could suggest me free legal online radio station to listen online, without having to subscribe to listen simply online. I have heard that there is some english news and french news suggested as: Msnbc and FranceInfo. Maybe some peoples have some suggestions? Thanks for your time and help. 👍
  6. Thanks for the url RSS Feed. With the online free RSS.app i could create some auto-responsif embed codes and url for the Heliohost News. The url is: https://rss.app/embed/v1/carousel/hy2T84PN9L1LmouG
  7. I have think to create a new topic about some feature that i think would be great for heliohost users. Is that they have the possibility to embed some html codes into a webpage; that auto update of course. This embed codes would show some "subject title" in style (bold) and under some brief description (not bold); then under it some link as (more infos here). So like that the users that go on some website on heliohost, can see a page that have some heliohost and helionet recent news. Like example (server down/maintenance info/donate infos/changes as updates on the server/etc.). So the users that go see some website hosted with you, can see the latest news. It could be in the footer of the heliohost and helionet webpages. I suggest that the link would be called: "Embed Helio News". I wonder if this feature does exist? If not it could be a great idea and thing to add for users. Thanks for your time.
  8. Well the radio player i think is with the website of Radio.net. They have many choices of radio stations to embed for all peoples. I also have found some info as: https://radio.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/224885347-How-can-I-embed-the-radio-net-player-into-my-website , that is linked to Radio.net. They indicate to simply write something in there search, example (oldies/top/country/etc.) or choose one of there categories. This make a page appear of the chosen radio station, there you see the Embed text on the radio station. They give there html codes after to embed. So i think it is legal. This because some peoples have suggested to me, that it would be great if they can have some radio stations to listen; like when there are cooking/cleaning some have told me. Also because it is some html codes, that go get the radio station not from heliohost; i think that it dont take much of the bandwidth (except of course simply loading the page). Some peoples suggested to me some news radio station, some peoples suggested to me some sports radio station; others have suggested to me different radio categories (rock/hard rock/oldies/countrys/nature relaxing station/disco/rap/jokes station/finances/etc.) But there is too much different stations, that it is real hard for me to choose. Also that i think about 20 free radio stations (but its real hard to not go up to like 40 stations) to try to give a little good to each peoples. What also i have think about is that in my website (new im building, not online at the time) that i put into some (block section) to put some i think "im no expert" some kind of what they call an (iframe). That into this iframe, there would be the embed radio player, but also some kind of dropdown list that can scrool (showing maybe like 4 choices, but scroolable). Like so a user with the dropdown scrooling, make the radio embed player change (change the radio page) that is into the iframe (so dont have to reload the hole webpage); like 1 page into the iframe has the radio station (example CountryX), then the dropdown, make the page change into the iframe; with an other embed radio station. Doing so i think it should use less loading page data on heliohost bandwidth. Because it just load and change the page that have the embed radio player. Maybe with some (left arrow/right arrow) on each side of the dropdown list as "previous/next station". The thing is that im not much expert doing this kind of iframe with the Radio.net embed player; with dropdown list, with maybe next/previous page station. Also there is so many choices. I do believe that im not only need some help with the html codes to put into my page for the iframe, that make simply the radio page into change; to the next embed choosen radio page. I think i would need help also for some suggestions for good radio stations (mostly english and french language). Could you please check if Radio.net is legal? For me i think it is legal, because they give there embed radio stations free; also that it rise there audience and visibility free. I dont want to be suspended, and i dont think there would be some complaints; because it promote there free embed legal content i believe. But i want to be sure that it is fine with all of you? Its always important for me to respect heliohost and helionet. I always try to give good things to/for peoples. Like i say to give good things to/for the peoples and leave good footprints into peoples lives. I can easy imagine how hard is for moderators and administrators to work for heliohost and helionet, trying to give not only good things to peoples; but also to try to maintain good things for the users. Yup it must be real hard. At leass you know how much i appreciate all of you, and that i let you also know it. Thanks for all your help, for each of you into my life, thanks for your reply's.
  9. For Linux, i have heard that it is maybe possible to have some linux app, i think it is called Wine or/and Bottle?. You could also do your search for Linux free OS that could install and run windows software. You could maybe also ask some free ai without registration, if there is some Linux OS that can make possible to install and use windows app. A website say that Zorin os version 17.1 make it easy to use windows software. https://www.zdnet.com/article/zorin-os-17-1-makes-it-even-easier-to-run-your-must-have-windows-apps-on-linux/
  10. Well i think that because you have a radio station, and that you have a heliohost url with the address that have the word radio into it; then i think logically that i can have the right to do so. But i dont think that i would put like 1000 radio stations, that's out of the question. Its not because i have a website with them for soo many years, that they have notice trough the years that i have no bad intentions; that i will abuse of this privilege. They always have been great peoples for me, i like them very much and appreciate them also very much. Many of them have helped me with my website (moderators/administrators). Even some members had helped me. If it was not from peoples that wanted sincerely and honestly good things for me trough the years, i would not be and have all the good things in my life. Yup i appreciate sincerely each of them. Also like i say (by joking) its important to be friendly to peoples, you never know if one of those peoples gonna win a very big amount of money; with some lottery ticket number. Hihihihihi. Yes Hunterp11 i think it would be a great idea to embed your radio player station. Who know maybe one day you could talk on your radio station about my free pdf guides, you could write me some questions about my guides; and i would write you back about it. There is much content about my pdf guidest, maybe the www.uneq.qc.ca and others related; would like that i create a french guide for paper books. Glad that i would promote free your website, and probably be the first website that promote your radio station. Who knows, you could say and archive trough history; that i am one of the first websites that promoted you. Maybe one day you will turn out a world known radio station, and i would say: Yesss i know the celebrity, that know who i am; it's the amazing Hunterp11 😁 👍. The thing is for embeding your radio player station, it must be of small size of height and width; like maybe something as 180px width by maybe 70px height. It is something that is important to make it real small. Maybe with some Play button, that when clicked become a Pause button; and reversed. Brief to keep it small, so that it can even fit in some small size screens. You could send me a private message here on Helionet, with your embed codes. This because the contact by email, as said in the Helionet news have reached some points limits; but in time i think should work back again.
  11. Hi Its been a while i am with you, more than 10 years as far as i remember. Some peoples suggested to my self, that it could be a great idea if i would put some radio stations in my website free. So i have done some search, even asked some ai about sites that offer free and mostly legally, the possibility to embed there radio stations. I have found the result of Radio.net, maybe there are others?! I have think of maybe max 20 radio stations, because there are radio about news, radio about sports, radio that play like rock musics, radio that plays oldies, radio that plays country, radio that plays disco; maybe even radio that simply play some relaxing nature natural sounds. Also because the radio is embed, it use the resource of external. So i think that it should not use much of heliohost resources. Note that it is not my intentions to make profits, i dont think that in the future i could have profits. My personal free website is mostly for my self, and some peoples that can find interesting content. Still it is always important for me to respect the peoples related to heliohost and helionet. I know that my intentions are good, as it have always been. But i want to be sure if i can put some Radio.net radio stations legally? Also because i have difficulties to understand many terms and agreements, they are very complex for me to understand; so i would like a written simple (Yes or No) to have the possibility to add some free radio stations. Not only for me, because i have found great radio station to listen, it is also for the peoples that have suggested that i do so. When i think about it, it can even rise the popularity and audiences of theses radio stations; all this free for them without making any profits. Thanks for your time to reply to this question. Thanks also for all your great help, great services. You always have been great peoples for me. Also i wish you the best good things for this year of 2025 and the years to come. Sign: Sylvain at: sylvain.heliohost.org
  12. Yup my personnal website is back. Thanks KazVee for checking. Its possible as you say because Tommy reboot a short while ago. What i notice on the heliohost server monitor website: http://heliohost.grd.net.pl/monitor/ that it seem, there is "no info" stats (checking the colors meaning). Maybe there is some reboot on many servers? I'm glad that my free personnal website is still with you, but some times i forget to login; because there is many things i have to do. You are great peoples that i appreciate soo much, maybe its not necessary for you that i give my thanks; but for me its always important to let you know. There is in life soo many peoples i hear, that dont appreciate others and i find it sad. Also like i say by (joking) its always important to be nice to every ones, we never know if some one of you gonna win a very big amount of money on some lottery. Hihihihihihi So once again many thanks to all of you for everythings.
  13. Hi I wonder why my free personnal website when i write the url, the browser say an connexion error. So i try an other browser same results. Then i simply write other url to see if the browser can go to websites and it goes, like if i want to go to Youtube or Microsoft or what ever it work. My url of my website is: https://sylvain.heliohost.org I'm on Tommy. Thanks for your time and help. 👍
  14. Me also i have a lets encrypt ssl problem. I have recently re-install the certificate, gonna wait i think 48 hours to be effective. I wonder if it could be because i heard on some news that Windows had some bugs and was down, many services used the os like: airplane travels, hospitals, trains, 911 systems, bus, subway, court systems, drivers licenses, banks, and so on. There are rumours that some peoples say that Windows XP SP3 is more stable. Mention on fiew news like: https://www.nytimes.com/live/2024/07/19/business/global-tech-outage https://www.nbcnews.com/tech/tech-news/microsoft-outage-crowdstrike-global-airlines-windows-fix-rcna162685 Well i just hope that it will be ok? I'm always glad to be with heliohost.org, you are great and amazing peoples that i like and appreciate very much.
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