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sylvain last won the day on July 26

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About sylvain

  • Birthday 10/11/1976

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    Like creating personnal websites for my friends, and other creations. Like Heliohost very much and the peoples that administrate it. I'm helping some time some peoples or/and company's. I have created some free pdf guides about some softwares. Examples: Sylvain Futurepinball free pdf guide. Sylvain Milkshape3d free pdf guide. Sylvain Mamewah free pdf guide.

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  1. Yup my personnal website is back. Thanks KazVee for checking. Its possible as you say because Tommy reboot a short while ago. What i notice on the heliohost server monitor website: http://heliohost.grd.net.pl/monitor/ that it seem, there is "no info" stats (checking the colors meaning). Maybe there is some reboot on many servers? I'm glad that my free personnal website is still with you, but some times i forget to login; because there is many things i have to do. You are great peoples that i appreciate soo much, maybe its not necessary for you that i give my thanks; but for me its always important to let you know. There is in life soo many peoples i hear, that dont appreciate others and i find it sad. Also like i say by (joking) its always important to be nice to every ones, we never know if some one of you gonna win a very big amount of money on some lottery. Hihihihihihi So once again many thanks to all of you for everythings.
  2. Hi I wonder why my free personnal website when i write the url, the browser say an connexion error. So i try an other browser same results. Then i simply write other url to see if the browser can go to websites and it goes, like if i want to go to Youtube or Microsoft or what ever it work. My url of my website is: https://sylvain.heliohost.org I'm on Tommy. Thanks for your time and help. 👍
  3. Me also i have a lets encrypt ssl problem. I have recently re-install the certificate, gonna wait i think 48 hours to be effective. I wonder if it could be because i heard on some news that Windows had some bugs and was down, many services used the os like: airplane travels, hospitals, trains, 911 systems, bus, subway, court systems, drivers licenses, banks, and so on. There are rumours that some peoples say that Windows XP SP3 is more stable. Mention on fiew news like: https://www.nytimes.com/live/2024/07/19/business/global-tech-outage https://www.nbcnews.com/tech/tech-news/microsoft-outage-crowdstrike-global-airlines-windows-fix-rcna162685 Well i just hope that it will be ok? I'm always glad to be with heliohost.org, you are great and amazing peoples that i like and appreciate very much.
  4. Yup it would be great. I have friends of mine that ask what is my url, and i notice by there own instinct they write (www) and ask what is the rest of the url. So i reply to them no need to write (www) i indicate to them start with https:// I wonder how to do it secure www (step by step), i know i repeat my self, but i realy dont want to give any errors to the server. There is many things i must learn i know just basic things about creating some webpages. Some peoples asked me to create some radio player skin, but i dont know how to do that and host it; i have done a skin on Muses.org hosted there many years ago https://www.muses.org/community-skins. But finding some stream full url free its also hard. Some peoples even suggested me to try to create some kind of tv list menu, but i suggest them url like (pluto tv) or (tubi tv). Well they seem to know that i want good things for the peoples. But i say to them that if it was not from peoples that have helped me trough the years, i could not do the great and good things for the peoples; so the thanks goes more to all of you that help me for my website, this beside the peoples that helped me with other domains. Once again many thanks.
  5. I know that my url: https://sylvain.heliohost.org is fine. But the hosting say that the (www) is unsecure, i guess it say that the url: www.sylvain.heliohost.org is unsecure. I wonder how to do that (step by step), i'm no expert about servers and i dont want to make any problems. Or maybe some moderator/admin could check it and correct it. user name: favrons onto: tommy2 Well i'm glad to be with you. Thanks for your time and help.
  6. Thank's for your reply Wolstech and for your help, thanks also to the other peoples that had helped me trough time. I have updated fiew things into my website, but not finish. I think to maybe put some "weather widget" that could know the city of the current user; so that it make apear the weather of the user online. But not sure if this kind of widget exist? I also wonder if there is some kind of "game list widget" that auto change and update. Just for peoples wanting to play some games online. Brief make more interesting and captivating my free personal website, as long that it dont have some adult content and other bad things into. Maybe there could be some peoples that might have some suggestions? Again thanks to all for your help. At leass you know that i still want to be with heliohost and glad to be with you.
  7. Hi there it strange i wonder if its because of the DDoS attack mentionned on the forum. I go to my website url https://sylvain.heliohost.org, i know that i have webpages. But with my url i see some Plesk message. I join a printscreens of what i see and i wonder why i have this Plesk message? If some moderator or admins could check it. I'm on Tommy2 server. Thank's for your time and help.
  8. My self also is having problems, since yesterday my free personnal website is down. If i believe the server monitor at: http://heliohost.grd.net.pl/monitor/ it seem that not only on Tommy there is some problems? I do hope that it will be fixed, not only for me but for other users; but i'm sure that the admins and moderators do what they can. They are great peoples that i appreciate very much.
  9. sylvain

    PHP 8.2

    Thanks Krydos for the reply and your help. I did not know that it is possible to switch back. 👍
  10. sylvain

    PHP 8.2

    Just want to know if i update, if it gonna be ok for my web search page, also for the contact form? Also i want to give my thanks for having fixed my contact form. 👍 Once again thanks for your time and help. 😉
  11. Just letting you know Kairon that ive sent you an other pm
  12. Kairon just letting u know i have sent a pm.
  13. I have changed the code in the web search thanks to you. But about the Email Headers https://mxtoolbox.com/Public/Content/EmailHeaders/. I dont see at all in the options "RoundCube" that Plesk have. If i need to set an email to my computer, sorry i did not do it and i wont do. I only access email account trough webpages, not directly by computer. Because directly could be an entrance door to some virus. So i guess some moderator or admin could find the email header by accessing to my account. What i have simply done is fill my self the contact form as any one would do and created some user name, created some subject, creating some fictive email and message. If you have access to my account and you do the simple contact form; after you should notice message sent that it have entered my spams account. Thanks for your time and help.
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