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Everything posted by awesomegamer

  1. yes, exactly, its good we use all these metaphors icase anyone here still doest know. (hands on, thats a good one ) thats how about 99% (percentage generated by what i think to be very likely) of people find out what it feels like. I think vergin isnt just [bleeped!], but once you break that knowlege barrier. no i havent had [bleeped!], but i know what it feels like.
  2. well when im dead, im sure they will read my journals and all my secrets, but they have to know sometime.
  3. thats kinda grose? you think they coulkd make it quick? but if the victom suffers, what about getting back at the criminal?
  4. younger age teachings? more truthful teachings? understanging of the "pleasurable feeling" that kids dont understand why [bleeped!]? this would probably help. but kids would have [bleeped!] and rape younger trying to see what it feels like. thats why mankind can , excuse me but, (another word for owner, or leader, begins with "M") + (another word for the worm on a hook when you go fishing, begins with "B") *wink* *wink*
  5. ive head some religions say you cant get in hevon, but what if you died by having been severed? (pieces removed)
  6. i think so too, that way there is no miss understanding. i mean havent you heard a child go "ewww, kissing!" and then once you learn why, beyond school reproductive teachings, you say, hey, not too bad.
  7. i think he was being figurative, not literally you, just as an example.
  8. thast another problem. should the teachers teach and get sued by parrents, or should parents teach?
  9. make a decission before you die, if not, the default answer is yes because people need organs.
  10. i think its against the UN to have WMDs like that, they coulkd use them on anyone.
  11. like wips and stuff? or like starvation. it depends on how bad. or just watching some PBS childrens programming nonstop for 500 hours staright?
  12. yes, im studing it in class. send me any ideas (via PM) to become part of my official "awesomegamer's controversy series" lol. you will be given credit, and the helios for the post.
  13. if they wanted to ofcourse, but other people making your decissions while your dead?
  14. well i mean pornos and stuff. some kids cant handle it. they dont understyand WHY [bleeped!], whats so great about it? i know whats so great about it, but they just dont really understand it. all they are taught in school is reproductive, the rest you have to find out wjy on your own... or a molester.
  15. yyeah, what about the WMD's it korea? thoes seem to be being ignored.
  16. its over ecxpesnsive, $250. but the features are ok. i wish the DS would hurry up with online feature. woops! back on topic!
  17. "not unlike a virus" lol well they all live in poverty and theres just alot. theres not enough room in america and its resources for them.
  18. oh, no its done during class, in the middle of teaching, "by the way, ..."
  19. its the families that dont agree. because there are sometimes when they take it without permission. and families can make decissions. like with that vegitable lady (cant remember name) that was there for quite a long time, her husband decided to let he go.
  20. true, true, but you could probably trade off parts for some money, as long as your not selling the parts that are banned of course.
  21. yes, only thing i say is R is [bleeped!], or anything related to that. some movies are rated PG13 and they show female breasts, what a confusing system.
  22. bit sometimes we do get into troube and stay way too long... im not saying anything specific but you know. :whistle:
  23. yep, thats exactly how it works. 1 guard at office entrance (smaller) and 1 teacher and 1 guard at Bus Entrance way. (more people) I usuially just go arround some other way. im also kinda short and hide myself amongst tall people. id be sad is they took my digital camera, cd player, mp3 player, NDS, and PSP. yeah... i get bored at school. but thats over just about... $600 worth of stuff. and they are aloowed to take it!
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