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  1. Thanks for the reply byron... Yep! Seems to be working now. Woops, I think I just wasn't patient enough... Sorry for the inconvenience if any was caused... Thanks you man... Laters, Peace Out
  2. Hey there... I registered about 4 days ago for an account with you guys and I'm not sure if it's anything to worry about or not... When I goto my site it says: When registering it said it would take about 48 hours to get my site active and 24 hours for HelioHost to install and configure my account. Also another issue that only happens sometimes, because I can still access parts of my site with direct links.... But another error I get is "500 Internal Server Error". I don't know if this has anything to do with the first problem or what, so hope you guys can guide me in the right direction... Sorry for being a pain! Domain: http://joetechnologies.heliohost.org Name: josephfc Thank you guys
  3. I'll definitely go with "Intelligent Design".. Then both theories make more sense! Cause we cannot prove either of them really! And PS: The site is not at .org ... http://www.simulation-argument.com/ Peace Out!
  4. A really really really really (One more really for good luck!) really good documentary to watch, "Zeitgeist". I would recommend it to ALL!!! It touches on the 9/11 conspiracies, as-well as most things you really don't know about the Governments of the world! In a previous topic about the "Flat Headed People" (People who STILL believe the earth is flat), the idea of not believing everything you hear can really be a blessing and can teach people to think on their own accord and will hopefully make people more open minded, instead of just beliving everything you hear! We all have to understand that we were NOT at the pentagon and twin towers and therefor only know what we are told... And the majority of people in the world only know what the news told them. News as much as we would like to believe in, especially in the case of 9/11 really isn't a good idea. I have NEVER seen or heard mainstream reporting company that is not owned by a corporation which in turn is controlled by governments. Governments only let us know what they want us to know, they control all MASS media and can hide anything they want or even come up with the most [bleeped!] of stories! Just a little fact if anyone really is interested and I have proved this myself!!! But I will not just tell you and you believe me because I said it, instead be opened minded and do the research for yourself! " Al-Qaeda " DID NOT EXIST BEFORE 2001 AND WAS COMPLETELY CREATED BY AN "UNKNOWN" SOURCE. Try Google it, most probably the 1st thing that will come up is Wikipedia which states that Al-Qaeda was established in "1988", keep in mind that everything written on Wikipedia does NOT mean it is true and is contributed by the public. Infact at my University when doing research we are NOT allowed to use Wikipedia as a reference or source. Besides that, the entry of "Al-Qaeda" into Wikipedia database was only in 2004. This is only one example of what I'm on about and internet research is not the only source to find this info. better sources would be physical.... And BTW, the only TRUE info I could find on "Al-Qaeda", was it was a computer program concept project name created some years ago... WAY WAY Before the idea of it being a terrorist group. The Zeitgeist is ALIVE! Peace Out!
  5. The earth is FLAT!!! Durrrrr! ..... Or we would all fall off and die! Joe!!! It's photo shopped photo's! Dude!!!!!!!! The Jedi is REAL!!! Everyone knows that! "The Force Be With You!" Lol, on a serious note I definitely agree that we SHOULD NOT just believe things because we hear them from somewhere, from who ever the source maybe (News, Scientists, Retard Flat Head People, ect.) ... We should instead be opened minded to the idea... And I was just reading some stuff about the Flat Headed People (People who believe the earth is flat, STILL), it really sounds like they just screwing around and if they really are serious they are most definitely flat retards!! Lol! And just to save my round BUMB [Cause it got "bleeped"] before you may actually take me seriously, I DON'T believe the earth is flat! Although I do believe Father Christmas is real... Hehehe Peace Out!
  6. I'm from South Africa! And being the new year, we ALL know what's happening this side this year!... Soccer World Cup 2010 I am from South Africa and have been living in Australia for three years =) You traitor! I wonder why you left! Hahaha.... It's of course only obvious to fellow South Africans... But still South Africa aint a bad place to be! The MOTHERLAND! LOL Peace Out!
  7. What if neither of us are real?... Then time and space ARE figments of our imagination and imagination and thought does NOT really exist! LOL. Without imagination and thought this topic would have NOT arised, so surely you must be real. And if the replies given by me and everyone else are NOT real and just apart of your imagination and you still believe you the only one in existence, then this topic is pointless because then technically your replying to yourself since we are parts of your imagination and thought. And if that were the case then you would have no reason and without reason there is no existence, therefor you may as well be dead yourself and it wouldn't have an effect on anything since everything isn't really there... So "reason" is what makes us real, weather any of us decide to believe it or not... Reality is only imagination and everyone shares their OWN reality! We exist without existence! Peace Out!
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