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seintitus last won the day on June 15 2013

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  1. Hello. My account has been suspended and I don't Know the reason. Kindly assist me.
  2. Hello. My account has been suspended for exceeding the CPU limit. My username is tchesoen. I guess it's the script I installed yesterday. Kindly assist me in fixing it back. I'll just go ahead and delete the installed script. Regards, Titus
  3. Hello. My username is tchesoen. I forgot the password for my account. Kindly assist me reset it. Regards, Titus
  4. Hello. Yes go ahead and reset it kindly since I have no other option. Thanks in advance
  5. Hello. I am still unable to login it's still showing it as suspended
  6. Hello. I had no idea that the script would cause high traffic on the CPU. I am sorry for that. Yes I will be considering going for vps hosting in the coming month. Meanwhile kindly unsuspend my account so that I will take off the script that's causing heavy traffic and meanwhile I'll use it on hosting that doesn't take up much CPU. Thanks
  7. Hello. My username is tchesoen. My account has been suspended and I am not sure of the real course. You had earlier mentioned to me that maybe my account could have been hacked. Since I am not sure of what the issue could be, I kindly I request you to unsuspend it and advice me if I should clean up the all account and start afresh. Thank you
  8. Hello. When I click on any link or page on my websites they give a 404 error. My username is tchesoen
  9. Ok thanks I'll do that.
  10. Hello. My username is tchesoen. My domains and subdomains do not load up since this morning: https://cyclos.za.org , https://edu.cyclos.za.org
  11. Hello. I am still having problems accessing my domain/subdomains. Kindly check (cyclos.za.org and edu.cyclos.za.org)
  12. Hello. My username is tchesoen. I woke up this morning and all my sites are resolving to the webserver's default page. Kindly check.
  13. Hello. I requested for a subdomain to be added on my account 4 days ago and I have not received any reply/update. My username is tchesoen. I was requesting you to remove the subdomain (study.cyclis.za.org) and add (edu.cyclos.za.org)
  14. Hello. I got a score of 8.8/10. Here is the link: https://www.mail-tester.com/test-z81esjf1v Kindly also assist me remove the following subdomain from my account. (study.cyclos.za.org) and replace with the following: (edu.cyclos.za.org) . I had earlier made the request on a separate topic 2 days ago. Thanks in advance.
  15. Hello. I got a score of 2.8/10. Here is the link: https://www.mail-tester.com/test-rnr67kdri
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