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Everything posted by To175

  1. Thanks ! I don't understand, my website is working. I just change the dns, I'm moving to ovh because I need more ressources. Heliohost was so good ! Now I have to leave /&--#62; FileZilla answer : on the internet : "http://stevie.heliohost.org:2082/login/ is not responding" I could connect 1h ago during 10 minutes but now again down ! wolstech I have a question : I have a .zip in my ftp, how to move it directly into ovh's ftp ? (other host)
  2. Thanks but I can't connect on my STEVIE cPanel ! "Server is not responding"
  3. Hello, when will I can access to my FTP please ? With the online manager or even with fillezilla, it doesn't work. Yesterday and today I can't access to my cPanel ! Help please
  4. Ho thanks a lot sorry :)/&--#62; But in the code there is : require_once "Net/GeoIP.php"; I don't have this file, I can't find it, if I delete this line, it sais : Fatal error: Class 'Net_GeoIP' not found in /home1/thio175/public_html/test.php on line 4 $geoip = Net_GeoIP::getInstance("/path/to/geoipdb.dat"); Ftp manager can't find the file too in ftp.
  5. Hi, I need to have the country of the IP ! Because In minecraft my plugin have to get the country from my url ! So, I see I could use : http://php.net/manual/fr/function.geoip-country-code3-by-name.php But I need : yum install php-pecl-geoip Thanks
  6. Thanks you very much !
  7. Hello, same problem #!/usr/bin/python print "Bienvenue sur mon site web !" http://mecraft.fr/cgi-bin/hello.py 0755 ! Help me please :/
  8. Yes, I did. http://mecraft.fr/cgi-bin/hello.py
  9. Hi, help please ... #!/usr/bin/python print "Bienvenue sur mon site web !" or #!/usr/bin/python print("Bienvenue sur mon site web !") Give : ERREUR 500 http://mecraft.fr/cgi-bin/hello.py
  10. please :/ please :/
  11. Thanks ! I French, I can't really understand you. (And a newbie ) Can you please be more precise ? Thanks ^^
  12. Thanks, Ok but now every time a user try to send the form it crashes !!!
  13. Hi, so let's begin : When I go to PhpMyAdmin, I very often have my sql connection can't be linked (because of try/catch, 5 minutes to wait) When someone send a form and the (few) data are stored in PhpMyAdmin (sql), I often have my site crashed. When I upload a file in FTP, I sometimes have a crash (Error 500). Help please This is very embarrassing ! Example of query : $req = $pdo->prepare("INSERT INTO test (pseudo, skype, serv, age, rang, specialite, exp, motiv, dispo, datepost, statut) VALUES (:pseudo, :skype, :serv, :age, :rang, :specialite, :exp, :motiv, :dispo, :datepost, :statut)"); $req->execute(array( ":pseudo" => $_POST['pseudo'], ":skype" => $_POST['skype'], ":serv" => $_POST['serv'], ":age" => $_POST['age'], ":rang" => $_POST['rang'], ":specialite" => $_POST['specialites'], ":exp" => $_POST['experience'], ":motiv" => $_POST['motiv'], ":dispo" => $dispo, ":datepost" => $datepost, ":statut" => $statut, ));
  14. Thanks, very strange, it works / doesn't work O.o I have 2 SRV : Mecraft.Fr and location.mecraft.fr I can't connect to both, very long to load then "can't connect to server" BUT 1 or 2 time it was Ok for mecraft.fr so I tried and I could connect ! But when I disconnected and refresh, there was no signal... • If I create SRV in OVH panel is it enough ? • Can I add ns1 and ns2 in ovh dns ? Like that I will have the 2 of heliohost and the 2 of cloudflare ! Is it possible ? What will happen ?
  15. Problem - _ - " You said I need to delete ns1 and ns2, now I can't connect to my minecraft server... I have 2 SRV in heliohost... What I have to do ??
  16. I have asked for SRV mecraft.fr => omgserv but their is "Can't connect to server" État du Serveur Démarré Heliohost √ Helionet √ Mecraft.fr √
  17. Why "First of all, please don't bring up posts which are three years old." ? Do you really prefer that we create new post ? Hundreds and hundreds of posts, same subjects, all unsolved...
  18. I have the same question ! help please... need to install this http://location.mecraft.fr/mcstatus-master/
  19. Done √ thx !
  20. Where can I delete them ? I can't on ovh panel
  21. Ok thanks, and other thing, do you know how to run pyhton on website ? I have created a post here but nobody answer thx Ho, I see for name servers... But why they ask me to change that and what this will do if I change ? i will not loose my content on the ns servers ? NS1.HELIOHOST.ORG > carl.ns.cloudflare.com NS2.HELIOHOST.ORG > elaine.ns.cloudflare.com I have added > carl.ns.cloudflare.com and > elaine.ns.cloudflare.com I have to delete NS1.HELIOHOST.ORG and NS2.HELIOHOST.ORG ?
  22. <p>Thanks </p> <p>I have did it with CloudFlare, but I am newbie what is this, What can I do with CloudFlare, why this is good ?</p> <p>Why Cloud Flare ask me that ?</p> <div class="msg">"Finishing up. Waiting for your name servers to change to <b>carl.ns.cloudflare.com</b> and <b>elaine.ns.cloudflare.com</b>. Please allow OVH up to 24 hours to complete this process (<a class="modal-link-faq muted" tabindex="1">info</a>)"</div> <div class="msg">What that will do ?</div>
  23. Hi, Why are there down times everyday please (before yesterday, yesterday, and tody (10h + 16h) ? Why first both my website and sub-domain are down and then only my sub-domain (but not my site!) ? (while heliohost down) Thanks
  24. Hi, I would like to print my server's status however I don't know how to do I need to use this : https://github.com/Dinnerbone/mcstatus But how to use this Python ?? How to make it ? I need to display for example "Mecraft 1.7.10 - Online - 3/100 - to175, maxito, pokekool" Thanks
  25. HAHAHA THANKS !!! <3 Ho yes I really need the other thx ^^
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