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Everything posted by To175

  1. To175

    Minecraft Query

    If I use this code, I have this error : Failed to receive challenge. CODE : <?php require __DIR__ . '/MinecraftQuery.class.php'; $Query = new MinecraftQuery( ); try { $Query->Connect( 'localhost', 25565 ); print_r( $Query->GetInfo( ) ); print_r( $Query->GetPlayers( ) ); } catch( MinecraftQueryException $e ) { echo $e->getMessage( ); } ?> With this class : <?php class MinecraftQueryException extends Exception { // Exception thrown by MinecraftQuery class } class MinecraftQuery { /* * Class written by xPaw * * Website: http://xpaw.ru * GitHub: https://github.com/xPaw/PHP-Minecraft-Query */ private $Socket; private $Challenge; private $Players; private $Info; public function Connect( $Ip = 'serveurmecraft.tk', $Port = 10252, $Timeout = 3 ) { if( $this->Socket = FSockOpen( 'udp://' . $Ip, (int)$Port ) ) { Socket_Set_TimeOut( $this->Socket, $Timeout ); if( !$this->GetChallenge( ) ) { FClose( $this->Socket ); throw new MinecraftQueryException( "Failed to receive challenge." ); } if( !$this->GetStatus( ) ) { FClose( $this->Socket ); throw new MinecraftQueryException( "Failed to receive status." ); } FClose( $this->Socket ); } else { throw new MinecraftQueryException( "Can't open connection." ); } } public function GetInfo( ) { return isset( $this->Info ) ? $this->Info : false; } public function GetPlayers( ) { return isset( $this->Players ) ? $this->Players : false; } private function GetChallenge( ) { $Data = $this->WriteData( "\x09" ); if( !$Data ) { return false; } $this->Challenge = Pack( 'N', $Data ); return true; } private function GetStatus( ) { $Data = $this->WriteData( "\x00", $this->Challenge . "\x01\x02\x03\x04" ); if( !$Data ) { return false; } $Last = ""; $Info = Array( ); $Data = SubStr( $Data, 11 ); // splitnum + 2 int $Data = Explode( "\x00\x00\x01player_\x00\x00", $Data ); $Players = SubStr( $Data[ 1 ], 0, -2 ); $Data = Explode( "\x00", $Data[ 0 ] ); // Array with known keys in order to validate the result // It can happen that server sends custom strings containing bad things (who can know!) $Keys = Array( 'hostname' => 'HostName', 'gametype' => 'GameType', 'version' => 'Version', 'map' => 'Map', 'numplayers' => 'Players', 'maxplayers' => 'MaxPlayers', 'hostport' => 'HostPort', 'hostip' => 'HostIp' ); foreach( $Data as $Key => $Value ) { if( ~$Key & 1 ) { if( !Array_Key_Exists( $Value, $Keys ) ) { $Last = false; continue; } $Last = $Keys[ $Value ]; $Info[ $Last ] = ""; } else if( $Last != false ) { $Info[ $Last ] = $Value; } } // Ints $Info[ 'Players' ] = IntVal( $Info[ 'Players' ] ); $Info[ 'MaxPlayers' ] = IntVal( $Info[ 'MaxPlayers' ] ); $Info[ 'HostPort' ] = IntVal( $Info[ 'HostPort' ] ); // Parse "plugins", if any if( $Info[ 'Plugins' ] ) { $Data = Explode( ": ", $Info[ 'Plugins' ], 2 ); $Info[ 'RawPlugins' ] = $Info[ 'Plugins' ]; $Info[ 'Software' ] = $Data[ 0 ]; if( Count( $Data ) == 2 ) { $Info[ 'Plugins' ] = Explode( "; ", $Data[ 1 ] ); } } else { $Info[ 'Software' ] = 'Vanilla'; } $this->Info = $Info; if( $Players ) { $this->Players = Explode( "\x00", $Players ); } return true; } private function WriteData( $Command, $Append = "" ) { $Command = "\xFE\xFD" . $Command . "\x01\x02\x03\x04" . $Append; $Length = StrLen( $Command ); if( $Length !== FWrite( $this->Socket, $Command, $Length ) ) { return false; } $Data = FRead( $this->Socket, 1440 ); if( StrLen( $Data ) < 5 || $Data[ 0 ] != $Command[ 2 ] ) { return false; } return SubStr( $Data, 5 ); } }
  2. Hi, this code works for me : $fp = @fsockopen("mecraft.omgcraft.fr", "10252", $errno, $errstr, 1); But this doesn't work : http://pastebin.com/UC29WcpH Help me please ! In server.properties I have the query=true Thanks
  3. Ok, code works now thanks @Krydos
  4. Thanks, I have some troubles with CPanel, the FTP manager doesn't work... there is "dataerror". And now I can't use other sites... + each time I connect to PHPMyAdmin... My server crashes... " 500 internal error...
  5. Thanks, how long I have to wait please ?
  6. Ho yes please + I have send a private message but it is better to see this post My server is really big yeah
  7. Ho thanks you very much ! I can have 20 or 30 players but not everytimes... "If you don't mind having a max of 20 players online at any one time" I don't understand the problem ? It can be nice if you could give me my variables but I didn't understand ? I have to ask heliohost admin to open for me the port 10252 ?
  8. Hoookey boy ! yOU are fantastic !! I'm really not handy with thoses codes... Hum in better proper english, may I have your entire script please ?! => my server is Mecraft.omgcraft.fr:10252 and I CAN'T change this port. <?php $ip = 'mecraft.omgcraft.fr'; $port = 10252; $onlinePlayers = 0; $maxPlayers = 0; $serverMotd = 'TESTTT'; $serverSock = @stream_socket_client('tcp://'.$ip.':'.$port, $empty, $empty, 1); if($serverSock !== FALSE) { fwrite($serverSock, "\xfe"); $response = fread($serverSock, 2048); $response = str_replace("\x00", '', $response); $response = substr($response, 2); $data = explode("\xa7", $response); unset($response); fclose($serverSock); if(sizeof($data) == 3) { $serverMotd = $data[0]; $onlinePlayers = (int) $data[1]; $maxPlayers = (int) $data[2]; echo $serverMotd.'<br/>'; echo $onlinePlayers.'/'.$maxPlayers.' player(s) online.'; }else{ echo 'Could not connect.'; } }else{ echo 'Server is offline.'; } ?> This code just display "server is offline" :'( in my server.proprieties query.port=10252 rcon.port=40729 server-port=10252
  9. Thank, But this is not the question :s I have tested all codes I could, I dont have them anymore... I though the problem is because of the port but I don't think so now. I really don't want to use a plugin in my server to do that ! Ok, for example This doesn't work for me http://www.webmaster-source.com/2012/07/05/checking-the-status-of-a-minecraft-server-with-php/ I used my server : Mecraft.omgcraft.fr with port 10252 Help please
  10. Hi, I have tried everything, please help me ! I need to display some variables of my minecraft server on my website. I thought it was a problem of port but I think not... I don't know why I can't display for example : server on/off ; number of players online. Do you know how to do please ? Thanks !
  11. Hi, when can I access to thoses services please ? Thanks
  12. Hi, 1 or 2 hours ago and still now #2002 - Le serveur ne répond pas (ou l'interface de connexion vers le serveur MySQL local n'est pas correctement configurée)
  13. Ok so if you say that... You seem to have experience in minecraft, so, do you know a plugin which doesn't need any port and don't gather so much ressources ? A plugin like JSONAPI to interact with the server ? Thanks
  14. Because JSONAPI is the best... with all possibilities and simplicity...
  15. Since you didn't really answer this question I'll ask it in a different way. Why can't you just use one port? I need 3 because the autors of the plugin said that JSONAPI takes the "first" port and the 2 other ports following... I'm a little afraid because the moderators said I can't have those ports ? :(/&--#62;
  16. Hi, thanks you very much for your answer and to spend so much time for us ! I have a minecraft server : 3 years paid ! So I am making a support website (http://sciences.webfrag.tk/minecraft) That is why I need to interact site/server. There is a plugin called JSONAPI and it need 3 ports, consecutive ports. My minecraft host can't open other ports than : 1 40086 2 40087 3 40088 4 40089 5 40090 So if you can open 40086 or 40086 or 40088 and the 2 ports following (3 in all) it will be great Thanks you
  17. Thanks very much for these 3 ports, thanks thanks thanks.
  18. Thanks, My host sais that they can't give me an other port, I have only 40088, 40089 and 40090 can you please open these ports for my site ?
  19. Hi, sorry I think I can't open other port. The port is 40088 (40089, 40090) and I need 3 ports on my site, isn't it possible to open 40088->40090 ? I will ask my host. Thanks
  20. Hi, I need to use JSONAPI for my minecraft server. I want to user varients of my server for my site ! I use the port 40088 on my server. I use this code to connect to my server : <?php require 'JSONAPI.php'; $api = new JSONAPI("", 40088, "to175", "password", "salt"); var_dump($api->call("getPlayerLimit")); ?> But I see on the page : "NULL" The minecraft hoster said that it can have for origine my site, because of the port which cannot be open? So why I see NULL on my page? I can't use 40088 ? Thanks
  21. Ok thanks, I will remember that
  22. Ok thanks, when can I have news ?
  23. No I can not, it says when I try to log: Connexion au serveur MySQL non permise When I log in cpanel and click phpmyadmin, there is the loggin page but without password, I am not connected...
  24. nop :s
  25. Thanks, • Thio175 • http://webfrag.tk/ I found first problem on http://sciences.webfrag.tk/ • stevie
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