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Posts posted by Mokothemonkey

  1. yeah gave up a while ago - for the website thing you want to create a good website first even before placing ads, and you CAN get ads that pay for how many people SEE it instead of CLICK in it, the each person who sees it brings in a lot less money than someone who clicks it. If its good enough maybe advertisers will come to you.

  2. Daily Signup Limit Reached!

    The server has a daily limit for sign-ups so that it doesn't crash from all the people wanting to use Heliohost. The sign-up limit resets each day at 12:00AM PST.

    Which is about 4PM GMT, I believe.

    Usually if your within the first couple hours your good to go :) I kept missing it because I just forgot, so set a reminder or sticky-notw your forehead :)

  3. As for another Author - Try the Hunger Games for a book. It's a goodin


    I have recently found Thrice as my new fav band

    Thrice is one of my favourite bands too. Them along with Alexisonfire, Against Me!, and blink-182.

    Everyone I know has never even heard of thrice :D your the first person to actually say that you like them. I know their a popularish band but still that's a first for me

    A Friend of my told me about them last year, and since then I've grown to love the band. Own 4 of their albums. Just waiting for them to have a concert close by so I can seen them live!

    i want them to come to canada :) thats kind of unlikely but untill then I'll just keep listening to beggars. I only own that cd, as well as quite a few singles from itunes.

  4. I'm scheduling some downtime Friday, March 19th to get ASP.NET back online. I'm not really sure how long it'll last, but hopefully the process won't be too drawn out. After this, we should be able to retake first place on free-webhosts.com.


    Note to self: remember to add back /var/cpanel/mgmt_queue/apache_update_no_restart.


    PS: Happy 5th birthday, HelioHost!

    thanks for the heads up :)


    congrats heliohost for 5 years :D

  5. As for another Author - Try the Hunger Games for a book. It's a goodin


    I have recently found Thrice as my new fav band

    Thrice is one of my favourite bands too. Them along with Alexisonfire, Against Me!, and blink-182.

    Everyone I know has never even heard of thrice :D your the first person to actually say that you like them. I know their a popularish band but still that's a first for me

  6. I think its egg shaped.. with some little sticks that stick out the edges.. and there is a big industrial magnet on the inside that keeps us all floating of into space, thats why we have iron in a blood stream, some people did not know this.. also yesterday I saw elvis in our local shoping centre, he was at a speed dating booth with Marilyn Monroe, she looked amazing lost a little weight and had one of those handbags you keep a pet in,, think there was a dodo in there.. cant be to sure, I was very drunk at the time..

    well... that was very informative. You should have gotten Elvis's signature that would be worth a pretty penny :P

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