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Everything posted by Bill

  1. After Reading a bit. I found out this is a problem... Would a mod move this.
  2. Ok according to google translate they were saying and Oh djbob, i found a ipboard plugin of sorts to use for translation. Have a look at http://forums.invisionize.com/index.php?au...orial&id=55
  3. I like the ranks, they inspire me to post. I get that feeling of satisfaction when you move up.
  4. Hi, Well basicly I want to install MyBB. I have created a database & user and linked them in cpanel (PHPMyAdmin doesn't work, it says I don't have the permissions to create a database. ????) I have uploaded the latest release of MyBB and went onto the install site. I then went though the licensing etc. Then when I got to the database setup. I entered that my hostname was 'localhost' (without the quotes). I then used my username and password which I created at the start and the database name. I then clicked next... It said 'Could not connect to the database server at 'localhost' with the supplied username and password. Are you sure the hostname and user details are correct?'. What should I do? I didn't post it in the coustmer surport because I wasn't sure if it was me or the server...
  5. How long ago did you sign up, wait 24 to 48 hours. If that doesn't work ask byron again to check DNS servers etc.
  6. If I was an Admin I would check out the DNS tables for the server. maybe Bryon or Wizard could do this for us.
  7. It isn't normally like this. There is just some problem with cpanel's databases, djbob and his team are working hard with cpanel to resolve the issue. I'd just bear with them and hope... @ Weird Man Games, I see your site ok. You may need to refresh your browser or clean out your cache
  8. Errr... WRONG FROUM!!! :angry: Will a moderator please move this. Heliohost is having problems at the moment ( I think) Have you configured the name servers to ns1.heliohost.org and ns2.heliohost.org? You can do this through your domain control panel.
  9. If the world is a kind of dream how come there are things we don't understand if our brain created them... Its all very confusing... I would personally bet a lot of money that we are all real (But I don't have a lot of money )
  10. Have you taken into account this Heliohost user name also controlled by Vivek?
  11. That isn't in the TOS... I use ThunderBird 3.0 to access my Google and Hotmail accounts.
  12. Are you sure you've enabled Captcha? Because I went onto your register page. There was no Captcha box and no box into where you should enter the code into. Check your settings to see whether its enabled.
  13. I can see it ok... maybe you just need to refresh your browser or clean out your cache.
  14. Bill

    SSH problems

    A Moderator would tell you not to reply to dead posts. You will have to ask djbob or the admins to install it for you because it says on 123flashchat's website you have to have ssh.
  15. They both show ok on my computer... maybe you need to refresh or clean you browsers cache?
  16. I see your web page(s) ok... maybe you just need to refresh or clean out your cache.
  17. Djbob, you may remember I had that issue a long time ago. The phpbb guys don't have a clue...
  18. As far as i know the who is thing was the same as when I first got an account (1 year ago). I also haven't noticed any slow down with cpanel or the server
  19. I kinda like Rock. My favourite band is Green Day, but they do swear a bit too much
  20. You need to wait around 24 hours until your domain(s) become active.
  21. Hmm RoundCube was working for me all the time. I was trying to install it so my clients could use it.
  22. Ok, that's good. When is the next time you have to renew Fantastico? I'm only asking this because I'm trying to set up a new website. I want to use RoundCube Mail but I am so lame that I can even install it
  23. Good, Its nice to be back. I had just moved to another school and my website kinda died so I didn't have much time to go on helionet. I hope djbob likes this idea!
  24. Hi I see that we still use Fantastico De lux. While using x10Hosting I saw that they used Softaculous. I prefer this over Fantastico for several reasons: it has more scripts (if you pay you get over 100), you can view demo's of all the software before you install them, people can review and rate scripts and lots more. I also think that the interface looks neater and cleaner. Here are some links: Home Page, Pricing, End-User Demo, Compare Page Thanks From Bill
  25. Ok
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