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  1. Kryptex

    Domain Name

    I am sorry, can you change it to "subrosa"?
  2. Kryptex

    Domain Name

    I created an account and wish to change some of its details... I wanted to know if this is possible... username: kryptex domain: kryptex.heliohost.org
  3. Are you a hater if you hate haters? Also, why do you think people are haters? Also, if you are a hater, could you clear up some myths of haters? If there are myths?
  4. I am the devil's advacit (however you spell it) when it comes to conpiracies, i look them up and then argue about them with my friends. I do not believe any of the conspiracy theories I read, but this one is very interesting. This one makes a lot of sense, but like all theories I read, you cannot prove either way without very violently interrogating the Government until they snapped.
  5. Incredibly complex, but i think i get it
  6. I am a avid conspiracy theorist, and after reading many of this site's articles, I have come to realize that their only argument is stupidity and stubborness. FE:"It is flat" RE:"(goes into long essay that clearly states earth is round)" FE:"It is flat"
  7. My argument, Thousands of conspiracy theorists make thousands of conspiracies on when the world is going to end every year. If you want proof, go to http://www.bible.ca/pre-date-setters.htm and see 220 DIFFERENT theories about doomsday that have passed! There is no more proof that doomsday is going to happen in 2012 than any other year on that site. Argument Closed
  8. We cannot prove we exist, but we cannot prove we do not exist, so how does that work?
  9. 42! My middle school teacher said that the meaning of life was to learn as much as you can socially.
  10. I haven't seen very many movies that you guys might call good but the new Transformers movie was pretty awesome.
  11. iTunes... iPod touch...
  12. I use all of them. Windows when I am coding, because my Windows computer has an clickier keyboard which I can type faster with. I use Macintosh for social networking sites. When i am hacking I use Linux.
  13. I like earthink because i like the .net domains. Earthlink is also the only e-mail that had the username I wanted.
  14. Oh, sorry, Thank you!
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