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Everything posted by nehe32

  1. Man i love this skin and quick edit
  2. i just want to know what you guys and gals think about the console wars that have started since modern times like Nintendo64 vs. Playstation etc and the biggest one now the future consoles Revolution V. PS3 V. Xbox360!!
  3. people need to get FireFox, im suprised Microsoft haven't bought them out yet
  4. and i think im the only one who LIVES in New Zealand
  5. getrights good i use it..download accelerator plus i guess as well
  6. what is it like a bot or something tat automatically logs you in and posts?
  7. to be honest i didn't really like the movies, i don't know how the books are as i haven't ever opened on and started to read it, that may be why people like it so much is for the books and how much better they are than the movies?
  8. if you wanting a sig just post a picture and some general details and ill see what i can do
  9. n'ello im Nehe32, super dude of the 20 first century
  10. new nintendo DS lite is coming out soon
  11. man i love this game so much and still play it today, ive had it for a couple of years and just yesterday me and my friends game around and played four player melee for a whole day and never got bored of it..ah good times..good times edit: screwed up the pole sorry Gameclaw_268: Poll Fixed. Have fun
  12. well i had just started intermediate( i live in new zealand and the school system works like this primary school: start age 5, stay there for 6 years. Intermediate: stay there for two years. High School: stay there for 5 years) anyways i had quickly made friends, Jared and Stefan will be the ones named in this story. a few weeks and terms pass until me and my chums got tired of doing the same things so we made a pain game where we would kid each others shins as hard as we could and stefan was first to volunteer/forced into doing it, anyway jared is huge and he was the biggest kid at school and had powerful legs, we soon bruised stefans legs extremely bad. anyways to cut a long story short stefan is now in crutchs(just kidding) we are just not allowed contact with him again
  13. Star Wars SAGA
  14. i like spiderman 2, i wonder what 3 will be like
  15. oh man can't wait for this game......its gonna be...WICKED
  16. just a question which is off topic, is this HN 2 or is there another?
  17. i only just started learning last year at school, we basically learn hiragana, first year, second year katakana and third kanji.
  18. ok heres my first entry kakashi pic.. here's a Sasuke Sig i made.. avatar made from above sig
  19. i can't be bothered looking at the link now can you please tell me a bit about it
  20. i probably would do this although the don't allow people to install software, and because the USB/pen drive has to install a program i may get snapped although i would want to do it as FireFox RULES
  21. ok so i got subdreamer and really liked it and thought that maybe i could intergrate it with my forum, so i went to forum intergration and i did everything it told me to do...then an error comes up "Subdreamer could nto find your board" and i thought maybe that thing which comes up at the start of the admin area could fix it "you need to enter your URL" so i did that and then none of the graphics show on the site and it still didn't fix the problem can someone please help
  22. this game is gonna smash every other game made before it..possibly
  23. what did you program it with?
  24. man this is a sweet game i own all of the games including the japanese ones, how mny of you have played this game?
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