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Everything posted by papukai

  1. Use ns1.heliohost.org and ns2.heliohost.org as your dns-servers.
  2. Publish your site from Microsoft Expression Web.
  3. Hello Could we have support for OpenID in the forum's login ? I don't know if there are any plugins for OpenID in IP.Board, but if there are, could you install and enable it? Also it would be great to use OpenID for the HelioHost's signup. OpenID (http://openid.net) allows to use this forum more easily. With OpenID people is able log-in with their OpenID, removing the need to create yet another username and password.
  4. Please be patient (only djbob can activate your account).
  5. Yes, your site should work with the www-prefix after the nameserver changes are done. Before that you may not get a working domain.
  6. Use the password manager in your cpanel.
  7. Thank you very much. However I can't logint o cpanel; it says that / is running out of disk space.
  8. I got my domain (which I can't use for Helionet, so please change my domain as requested) from my ISP which is Belgacom (belgacom.be/dns). As my domain is a "free" domain (it's included in the internet subscription), I'm not going to change my domain registrar. That's true that they should allow nameserver configuration.
  9. Hello I'd like also to change my main domain, because I thought that my domain registrar would allow nameserver configuration, but it wasn't possible (as it's a free domain). So would you change my main domain from domain.net (it's still redirected to the old server) to domain.co.cc ? My username used in Heliohost's signup is papukai. Ps. Is it normal that the disk usage of /var is at 80-90% (this is from the cpanel's server status for Stevie) ?
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