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Everything posted by kikass

  1. come on man pokemon?, how old are you?, its your choice if you like it but, the story keeps on going on, and they keep on adding new pokemon and its never gonna finish
  2. i would recommend www.cheatoogle.com
  3. i say the wii its the most fun out of it, and 360 has the best graphics but the wii is more fun
  4. yeah im sure it was in the movie of yu-gi-oh, anyways how many blue eyes white dragons are there??
  5. u missed 1 the pyramid of light.
  6. kikass

    IBStore ALPHA I

    Finally the store is up and i only have 280 helions when i have over 300 posts
  7. correct, how many milenium items are that.
  8. yeah but linkin park isnt releasing and new albums
  9. yeah i love the harry potter series.
  10. yeah there all good except this book about a group of thieves it was just stupid.
  11. making graphics are so easy, why would any one give helions for them.
  12. i dont know whats its called but its out and i hope it will come all around the world real quickly.
  13. yeah but one reason i hate anti leech, other webmasters can use your url and use anti leech so you wont know and theyll use all your bandwith annoying happened to me in the past.
  14. yeah but i want to make it like that only i make the passwords and usernames and they expire after a certain time.
  15. yeah the N series is just amazing, but expenive
  16. import it to itunes, didnt you read the instructions its really easy.
  17. yeah torrents dont work i even searched for beyblade i didnt get any results.
  18. iv searched for around 40 to 50 pages and didnt find anything.
  19. yeah but computers arnt cheap and you have to pay the monthly internet bill.
  20. or maybe you have to get a certain amount of contacts then you get it.
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