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Everything posted by HerLoss

  1. The decimal system of unit conversions says that 1000 bytes is 1 kb, and so 3000b would be 3kb. its based in powers of ten, like the decimal system, and is a good way of figuring amounts roughly. The exact measurements are in increments of 8 I think, which is where we strange ram measurements like 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, etc. In this system 1 kb is equal to 1024 bytes, and so 3kb equals 3072 bytes. I really have no clue why it works this way, probobly having something to do with the number or digits in bianary or something.
  2. They better be. I mean, yeah, we got rednecks, but we also have nutso republicans too.
  3. The whole community seems immature, or at least thats the impression that I got just looking around. I like being able to have intelligent conversations with people and not just screw around. Yeah, I also belong to a forum thats dedicated to beer, blowin stuff up, and flaming. But they dont try to be anything but that. KrazyLetter just seems to me like a wannabe HelioNet that got too caught up in games to the point that there isnt anything intelligent about it.
  4. In that case I'd jump the border to Canada during all the mayhem and just hang out there. To hell with the U.S.!!
  5. Numbah 2, definitly. I can deal with it if someone just tells me up front, but If I suddenly realize that I shoulda seen the signs or w/e, it just feels terrible knowing that I've wasted the extra week or month or half year or however long the signs have been there, when I oculd have been wasting my life on other self destructive activities.
  6. Yeah, God knows how many redknecks with guns we have in the northern border states! lol.
  7. Yeah, I see imperialism and monopolization. I understand what your saying, and I agree. What I'm trying to say is a totally different idea. Iraq was never a threat and and I'm sick of hearing about it. Lets see our progress in Afganistan or wherever the hell we're supposed to be looking for BinLaden. What really needs to happen is for Canada to just sweep down and take over the U.S. cuz it would take a good 2 hours for the U.S. to have a strong enough force back here to defend itself and by then Canadian troops coule be a quarter of the way into the U.S. No one would see it coming either. Just BOOM! and we'd all be canadian, or dead, but either one is a viable choice.
  8. I'm goin with an XP 2800+ for my next build. Thousand dollar budget and I'll be just under if prices dont go up. Not too worried about not being the best, cuz anything will be better than this 5 year old peice of crap HP. 600MHz Celeron processor... Birthday present, and parents are so gung-ho about not letting me pick my presents.
  9. The legal term for war is a declaration against a country. Leaders of terrorist groups have chosen their way to make a stand because no one would listen to them otherwise. Saddam Huissein never threatened us once, never had any supposed "WMD's", and was never associated with AlQuaida. No other terrorists threatened or attacked the U.S. AlQuaida did and we havnt caught their leader BinLaden. Iraq didnt and we have their leader in captivity. Why doesnt the rest of the U.N. Fight along with us? Apparently we have no allies in the fight. There must be something wrong. -Edit: We dont need the oil. The U.S. has reserves that have been building for quite some time. Theres enough to last at least 3 or 4 years. We can drill for our own, we can buy it from other countries. We dont have to monopolize on Iraqs buisness. Not to mention the job shortage in the U.S. Bush has a big corporation using workers form India for slave wages. Why cant we have American workers work there? cuz they cost too much.
  10. Yeah, but Intels are more expensive and have less flexability when it comes to chooseing one. The 64 are pretty cool too, Ive never used one though, and now they have an uber-cool chip called a sempron... more money there too, lol.
  11. Couple points here. -Terrorists do have a reason for what they do. The term terrorist describes someone who uses violence to make political statements. -The terrorists werent out of Iraq, so the 9/11 attacks had NOTHING to do with Iraq. AlQuaida was the threat, BinLaden was the threat, NOT Huissein. I dont understand why we have Huissein captive and all we hear about is Iraq and we dont here a [bleeped!] thing about the search for BinLaden. -War was never even declared on terrorist account. You cant call it a war on terror cuz, well, terror isnt a country, and we arent even fighting it. We arent even fighting against Iraq the country, but Iraqi insurgents. -Bush Senior was supposedly almost assassinated by some Iraq dudes and some people say that W. is trying to get back at them for that, to continue his daddys "crusade", and for oil. -Bush is VERY christian, and written in Revelations in the Bible, it states that before Jesus' second coming (the Apocolypse, Rapture, Whatever...) will happen after there is a great war in the east. Or something like that. I hope I dont come off as a dick, I just feel very strongly the way I do.
  12. 238 I dunno, OCD really sucks... I used to count steps and stairs and stuff... lol, when I'm takin a leak at school or somthin I still count wall tiles.
  13. I vote DIY cuz I'm poor and put my own computers together with parts off Newegg.com (YAY! Newegg!! lol) But if I had the cash I would go all out on a custom Alienware with an Athlon XP chip. heh, but I dont have the 4 big G's or anything close to it.
  14. 236 Eh, not everyones as obsessive compulsive as me to have picked up on that, or to have said something.
  15. That shouldnt be an issue. Am I right?
  16. Basically it meanst that he "grew up" and was elected president cuz his daddy was.
  17. Speaking of being born and elected, a comedian named Robin Williams (Maby youve heard of him? He's pretty famous over here) said the following. "Some people are born with greatness, and some earn it. Others get it as a graduation present."
  18. 232 Just doin my thing...
  19. Gamemaster_268: Herloss made a mistake in this post, and asked me to edit it out. I wont tell you what it was, its a personal thing. Just ignore this post.
  20. He's an immature little twelve year old is what I guess. I havnt heard anyone over the age of 13 seriously try to insult someone by calling them an IT.
  21. Haha, oops. No, sorry, I should have quoted. That was most definitly anger channeled at myscrnm.
  22. Haha, for a second I though that was directed at me. Here's some ignorace for you. George W. Bush once said that we were going to stay in Iraq untill the people there learned to defend themselves. Um, hello? I think that thats what theyre doing.
  23. I too am studying law, and the freedom of speech has limits. There are crimes, well, torts actually, like libel and slander. When you say or write something meaning to hurt their reputation, especially false statements, you have broken these rules. If your expression of "free speech" infringes on anyones right to live a life without unjust persecution, you are in the wrong. Say he was a politition or a sports star and you ruined their career with your false statements, your facing some HUGE damages if they sue you, and you can even be put in jail. The point is, stop being an immature, annying little prick. I would have banned you long before now. I dont say this seriously very often, but go [bleeped!] yourself. Any mods/admins who want to deduct points for my crude language, I will not protest.
  24. A lot of Americans (like me) are royally pissed off. I hate the american people just because theyre ignorant. We dont give a [bleeped!] about the people of other countries. We go to war and its like, YAY! Go warlord Bush! I wouldnt be one to do it, but someone just needs to kill him. Anarchists ASSEMBLE!!
  25. I use google for simplicity and the fact that it loads the fastest. Next in line would have to be altavista, just cuz its much more flexible.
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