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Everything posted by HerLoss

  1. Eh, it needed to be said, but alas, it will not be enough. Serious actions will most likely be necessary. And yes, back on topic.
  2. And let me add that it was these same ambitions that brought us to taking the Americas, killing, raping, and moving the natives, enslaving humans of other races, etc.
  3. Just wanted to make sure djbob was aware of random MySQL errors coming up. The forums were down for about an hour here and on my site and on AG's site, and I'm sure on anyone elses site that uses databases. I just wonder if its the SQL program on the server, or just the server, or something out of our control.
  4. I agree that a total invasion of privacy like that isnt right, but imagine this. Kid asks his parents if he can use the basement for a week without anyone else goin down there. Funny smells start comin up from the basement a couple days later. Parents just sit there blindly trusting their kid. Whats up with that??
  5. Thank you KC and Majazac, but he is right. I swear alot, but I have asked to be fined, banned, w/e. If no one wishes to punish me, thats their choice. Maybe I'm just defending others right to not have political beliefs pressed on them? Maybe I'm only replying in the same manner you began to speak in. Its three minutes, not seconds retard. I'm not a slow reader, but a person who thinks things through before typing in w/e I feel like. I have no vendetta, I just hate you with a passion because you DONT think your replys through, you swear where its not needed, and you put people down. You had better go to heaven cuz I swear if I meet you in hell, it will be hell for you.
  6. Can it. No one likes you cept maybe your brother. Anyways, to everyone who thoucht I was a chick, no apology is necessary. I dont really care. lol. And back on topic... I agree with majazac that everyone should have privacy, but to a certain extent. Parents shouldnt repect their privacy blindly. They should assert their authority and intrude every so once and awhile so the kid knows that there are people above them who can control them to an extent. If they are allowed to go on their day to day lives unchecked, a lot of bad [bleeped!] can go down further on.
  7. I'm on another list!! HOORAY!! lol. *sneaks over to the voting booth* haha, j/k. Totally voting for majazac. She seems to be the most unbiased person, able to look at all sides of an argument, and not afraid to voice her opinions. KC and wee are also up there on my list, but I can only vote for one person (unless I got really sneaky and started two more accounts... ).
  8. Actually, I enjoy a flame war every now and then, but this isnt the place. So, back on topic. I totally agree with the chinese laws concerning maximum number of allowed children in a household, but I would really like to know why the citizens wand boys instead of girls. What ever happened to preserving your race? If you dont have females, its not gonna happen.
  9. Well, it is rude and unethical, but I wouldn't say it's disgusting. I mean, regular [bleeped!] can b just as disgusting as any rape. Its disgusting in the premise that a human would force themselves upon another in order to feel good about themselves. Its a disgusting train of thought.
  10. Hey! [bleeped!]! Quit flaming. If your going to flame, at least try NOT screening your [bleeped!] language!! Now. Can we get back on topic please? Edit: I hope my reference to a feminine hygene product hasnt offended any of the female members of the site. If so, I'm sorry, but it was either that or jewbag, and thats antisemetic, which I am not.
  11. Well hold on there two [bleeped!] seconds. Look at your post time, and my post time. 3 minutes apart. Your post wasnt there when I was reading the thread and I spent my time writing a reply. Blow me. Edit: P.S. Jesus hates you.
  12. I'll agree that Huissein wasnt exactly the best person to lead a country, under any form of government, but I dont really think it was any of our buisness to go remove him from power. We all know Al-Quaida wasnt based in Iraq so thats not where the threat was. Saddam never had any sort of WMD's so he wasnt a threat either. The supposed terrorists in Iraq are just the Inurgents using terroristic forms of attack. Seriously, if I ever met you Pheonix, I'd smack you upside the head extremly hard hoping to reverse the brainwashing you have recieved from government propoganda.
  13. I dont know... most of the guys I know arent exactly competent when it comes to school subjects. On the other hand I must admit that I dont know an immense number of females that have common sense. There are DEFINITLY a few women out there who could kick my [bleeped!], and have proved it on occasion. I figure it balences out.
  14. I agree. I said it before and I'll say it again. Iraq, Saddam, they were never a threat to anybody.
  15. Haha, qualm... new word for me. Better go look that up. Yeah, and I think the reason that most other animals arent as apt to be homosexual is that they dont have [bleeped!] for the same reasons. We have [bleeped!] with people we are attracted to, and animals have [bleeped!] to reproduce. Obviously homosexuality isnt genetic, or else there wouldnt be any gay people, but I dont think its a learned trait.
  16. I'm not trying to be a smartass or anything but bats have the highest homosexuality rate among all mammals... Watching my favorite news station (the Daily Show on Comedey Central for those of you in the U.S.) and they showed another news stations broadcast. In texas (who didnt see that coming) they have banned gay people from adopting foster children. Apparently the kids should be raised by their original parents who they were taken away from for being beaten, molested and the like. Thats what the guy proposing the bill said, that they should be raised by their own parents. Also the law says that they need to somehow "test" all foster parents to see if they were telling the truth about their sexuality when they adopted. Just thought that was an interesting and slightly relevant story. Also, I dont think that I have actually stated my views on this yet. Personally, I dont think that its really marriage. Marrige, by definition, is the legal union of a man and a woman. Thats the definition. I really wouldnt care if they were allowed a "civil union" with all the same benifits. And thats what the argument is over, the benifits of a unified couple, not what the union is called.
  17. Well if we are going back to pointing out ignorances, I might mention that you can never reach the edge of the universe NOT because you would be dead before you got there, but because there is no measureable end, center, or anything of the sort. Space bends in a way that if you went in a straight line accross the universe you would end up right back where you started. P.S. There is no proof of a second dimention. Parrallel universes maybe, but how can you say we cant survive in the next dimention if you dont even know for a fact it exists in the first place? P.S.S. I do believe that GM_268 was elaborating and eggzagerating.
  18. I dont think thats its a problem of people not using contraceptives or them not working. I think its more of an issue with people having kids just cuz they want to, when they cant care for it and really cant be parents.
  19. I have absolutley no clue what happens if the two are the same gender... I personally think it should be lowered in the case that both people are under age, but not THAT underaged, and I'm very against there being a big difference between their ages if only one is underaged, Its just that I dont like the Idea that "kids" around the ages of 16 and 17, the age that most people I know start getting into that kinda stuff, are getting in massive trouble with the law just cuz their parents dont approve or their partner got pissed off over something little and wants to get them in trouble for something consentual.
  20. I also reminded them of their "God's" commandment above others. "Do unto your neighbor as you would have them do unto you." Although I'm not christian I have read the bible a few times, and I'm pretty sure that it says somewhere that Jesus said to hold that commandment and one other... something like "I am the lord your god" or something like that, above all others. I really hope they read my email.
  21. That jsut makes the world imperialistic. I'm not saying that imperialism is anything new, we've been doing it for a LONG time, but really, shouldnt there be a better way in this "civilized" world we live in?
  22. I'm sorry.. where did I imply I was a girl? lol. There is DEFINITLY a penis down there.
  23. If they plead insanity, its basically saying guilty by reason of insanity. You go to an institution untill cured, and then to jail. If you are found innocent by reason of insanity, your just sent to an institution. And let me tell you, the nut house is MUCH different than prison. Like group therapy... group therapy is fun...
  24. The kid was messing around with his fathers gun and accidently killed his little friend. Obviously he thought he was playing, didnt know any sort of gun safety, or anything of that matter.
  25. The age of consent is the age at which people become legally old enough to have [bleeped!]. Where I'm at, its 18. Basically, if two people under that age have consentual [bleeped!], its still considered rape on the guys part (considering its a guy and a girl). Which really sucks cuz all it takes is a pissed off girlfriend and I'm in deep [bleeped!]. Also, if someone over that age has consentual [bleeped!] with someone under that age its considered rape on the older persons part, which pretty much creates the term pedophile and makes pedophillia illigal.
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