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Everything posted by HerLoss

  1. Yeah, well I lost about 6 hours turning pages, so it turned out to be more like 4 hours.
  2. Aww... we rapists arent THAT bad, are we? lmao, JUST KIDDING
  3. 1467 messing up the count
  4. I would certainly not call it a waste of time. And even if it is, I read the most recent one in 10 hours. That really isnt a lot of time wasted.
  5. They used to be a mixture of dull green colors, but they changed them last year.
  6. 1463 or what?
  7. That bastard! 1461
  8. I diddnt do anything! The clutch just... died.
  9. You think that picture looks different, I should take a picture of me now. I just got a frickin crew cut. haha, no hair. I'm considering shaving, getting contacts, removing my earring, wearing a bright colored collared shirt, and sitting in different seats on monday to see if anyone recognises me. Also happening today, I blew the clutch on my truck this morning, so there's 1000 bucks out of my pocket as soon as I have it in my pocket. I have to borrow my dads volvo untill I can afford to get that fixed...
  10. Sounds cool. Horror movies are usually better in black/white, so hopefully this will be good.
  11. Absolutly not! That would mean I would have had to have toked up right before the test, in which case I probobly wouldnt have passed (wouldnt have crashed or anything... but definitly wouldnt have passed), and it would have worn off by the time I got done waiting there. That's a good idea... I think I'll just go sit at the DMV for an hour or so stoned, just to see if it's still boring.
  12. [cross posted at krazyletter] Been awhile since I got this, but since I've been out, it's show and tell time! Is it just me, or do I look stoned? I'm not in this picture... but it sure looks it. Haha, that's right. All the potentially useful information has been censored.
  13. We do our best to please.
  14. 1451 Uhh... You cant count, "The artist formerly known as Genisis"
  15. A brazillian emo... there's a racist joke in there, but I just cant catch it...
  16. Parable by Tribulation Beyond Catastrophe Semi-new band. Anyone who's into rock should check their myspace: http://www.myspace.com/tbcfl They've only got 4 songs out, but it all souds good to me.
  17. I get the whole "because I can" thing, but is there any practical reason for putting linux on a console?
  18. Who didnt see that coming. I'll bet it doesnt come till 07, but I wont put money on it. And the problem isnt that Blu-Ray wasnt financed, it's that is sucks grande cajones, and costs a buttload to make the discs and readers. Well, I'm sure as soon as they figure out how to calibrate a press to make the discs right, it wont be a problem, but the readers are going to be expesive for awhile.
  19. I'm not much of a cart-racer guy, and I have a short attention span for FPS's (read: I played as much as I could of Postal, Postal 2, Serious Sam, Serious Sam 2, and Doom 3 Reloaded in a week)
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