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Everything posted by HerLoss

  1. The truth is that your trying to dig yourself out, by returning to a post that you werent replying to. You replied to the one in which he didnt sate blowjob. And another sorry majazac, but I wont quit untill this little kid overdoses on his mommas breast milk, which should be any time now.
  2. Well, why wouldnt you not know how to spell your own name?
  3. Two posts ago, I was totally on topic, and you had no need to reply.
  4. Well then, I guess we are ignorant about supposed health problems allegedly caused by reefer. Pot has never been proven to cause any problems to health. No one has ever been admitted to the hopital for a reason caused solely by the use of weed. You cant overdose. Short term memory loss goes away less than an hour after stopping using. Your only whining cuz your mom smoked, drank, and dropped acid while pregnant with you, and you became an annoying little prick because of it.
  5. I might say no, but I'm not up to speed on events from times when I was only a year old. What were the circumstances, and is kosovo a country or a city?
  6. Actually, government bills would go down due to lower amounts of space needed, and I do believe that tourture and medical experiments would be much more cruel and unusual than being stuck with 15 people instead of 10 in a cellblock.
  7. Like I said before, I'm sorry, and can we do as she says please?
  8. Then other people who cause hemmoroids to bubble up in my [bleeped!] should lose priveleges like marriage and living. And might I add, that you happen to be one of the hemmoroids bothering me, and your mother is the cause.
  9. 1) Cant [bleeped!] myself not because I have no dick, but because my dick is large enough that when erect, it would never bend to the right specifications. 2) We were speaking weaponry. How can you misread a perfectly reasonable comment with a totally irrelevant one? 3) If the televisions are hurting your eyes, dont sit in front of the computer moniter (That emits the same light waves as your tvs, not to mention that both emit unhealthy radiation, not just light) refreshing the new topics screen every two minutes. 4) All instant messengers suck. Talk to your little fuckbuddies in person, maybe while theyre sticking it in your [bleeped!]. 5) GET THE [bleeped!] BACK ON TOPIC!
  10. lol! I c u r not very dedicated 2 the forums. I refresh the new posts page every one or two minutes. Although it is done automatically. And I SEE that YOU ARE not having a life. Maybe its time you did something else. Ever tried marijuana?
  11. Personally, if I had kids, I would much rather they saw two people making love, or, in more appriproate terms, [bleeped!], than two people killing each other. Also, for a thought, what if in all those old western movies, they changed the word kill, to the word [bleeped!]. Immagine this cliche. Ok sherrif, we're gunna [bleeped!] you now, but we're gunna [bleeped!] you slow...
  12. He didnt say blowjob retard. You can give a girl head. Its called eating pussy, or cunninglus. And THAT my friends, is the origin of the word cunt! lol.
  13. Or hows this? Criminals shouldnt be released. Overcrowding shouldnt be a problem. I dont think prison is supposed to make you feel comfertable, so who cares if its overcrowded? Put two more people in each cell. That solves your problem.
  14. Actually, the clock time above our posts is inaccurate in our time zone. Thast not what I was commenting on. I go out to get some chinese food or rent a movie or somethin, an when I get back an hour later, theres like 12 new posts in a couple threads. I mean, do some of you refresh the new posts pages evr 10 minutes or something?
  15. Sowwy... lol. Aight, lets do what the woman says.
  16. And your intelligence fails you. The RPG I am referring to isnt a game, but a Rocket Propelled Grenade. My cousin has been on three trips to afganistan. Hes in the Marines. If your gunna replace words with numbers and be all little-kid-on-aim-ish, it only makes you look more ignorant mixing in big words that you heard on the news.
  17. What the [bleeped!] is wrong with you people. Dont you ever sleep? Its the [bleeped!] weekend already, go away, get out, do something else...
  18. Sure thing! just being my obsessive compulsive self, lol.
  19. My [bleeped!] you do. Its perfectly natural for immature little 14 year olds like yourself to want to act tough, but that doesnt mean you have to try and get me to belive that you handle a military issue handgun. The british are pussies. When was the last time your cousin sent you a homemade RPG he confiscated in afganistan?
  20. Rape is never mutual. If it was, it wouldnt be rape.
  21. I never said that americans did that today. I'm saying that it was the exact same ambitions we have today that caused everything I previously stated. There is no order to the world. If there was the U.S. would never have been allowed to invade iraq the way it did. In fact, there would be no wars if the world was orderly. Have you been living with your head in your [bleeped!]? Guess why Japan and the U.K. did those things you sate they did. They had ambitions of power, the exact same reason imperialism has existed since the midevil ages.
  22. Ita a figure of speech. Dur. And most weapons used in modern firefights go in with a hole the size of a dime and have an exit wound the size of a cd. Dont try to act smart naming a specific model and giving me all the specs. Regardless, I'm uninterested in a civillian use handgun. P.S. "none of us don't" as you state it, is a double negative making the true meaning that all of you do.
  23. What? Saying "blow me" instantaineously labels me a sexual predator? BLOW ME!
  24. yeah, I was just surfin round the forums, and suddenly I get time-out popups. When those finally stopped I just got a MySQL error screen, so I checked my forums and yours, and there were similar MySQL errors. It only lasted about an hour.
  25. [bleeped!] still comes out the other side no matter what it is. Regardless, that isnt the violence that has been seriously censored. I'm talking beheadings, tourture, disembowling, etc. People are all like, ew, he was beheaded? when they should be able to see the ragged flesh, bone shards, lengths of bloody entrails. Its not like blood spurts out everywhere when your split open, beheaded, or have your limbs removed. The amounts of blood shown squirting out in movies would never happen cuz you would have already lost so much blood after halfway through the first shot that your heart wouldnt be beating anymore.
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