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Everything posted by Bass5098

  1. Removed
  2. Thanks, I got the SSL set up, now I have another question. Do you know how to get startssl to work with helohost? I saw a thread about it, but did not know what to do.
  3. Djbob most likely has not approved your account yet, be patient and he will eventually approve it.
  4. You would not get a higher ranking as firebug only affects you and what you are seeing. Firebug does not affect what others are seeing when they view the page.
  5. I think you need to go into your cPanel, then go into the mysql databases section. Then you need to add the mysql user to the mysql database.
  6. It has been activated.
  7. It is fixed now.
  8. My heliohost username is ftonline.
  9. Removed.
  10. Removed
  11. I use skype, meebo, and windows live messanger. I like skype, but my headset takes a while to set up for it every day, so I dont use it that much. I use meebo, for AIM, YIM, and Google Talk. I use Windows Live messanger, mainly because meebo does not like connecting to the server for me.
  12. that he tried to
  13. became itchy by the
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