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Everything posted by Bass5098

  1. weapon that is in
  2. Bass5098


    After googling something different than normal, I read a post that someone posted on another forum that had the same message as mine just with the mysql server error code with it. Mine only showed the client error code so I couldnt search the mysql error code db for it. The real mysql error code was 2013 (or 2056 for the extended version) which is cr_server_lost. The explanation said that it lost connection to the myql server suring the query. After doing some more googling, I came up on an article that said it might be on one of the servers blocked ip list. In cpanel on both of the servers, I added the ip to the remote mysql acess list. It still shows the error.
  3. Bass5098


    Remote Mysql Access does not work right now. I am still getting the same error when connecting.
  4. I stick with php/mysql for most things, if I need to I will use asp/asp.net, but its not my favorite to use.
  5. I would suggest webng, its free and has free domain hosting and asp+asp.net. It has no ads and no forum posting is required. You can get more bandwidth and disk space by refferals, which are not hard to get. WEBNG
  6. I use windows media player for most everything. I use itunes for buying and listening to bought songs and songs I want to put on my ipod. I use realplayer for everything else or things that are not compatible with windows media player.
  7. I use firefox 3. When I tried firefox 3 beta, most things didnt work, so I had to uninstall it, on download day, I reinstalled it and love it. It is compatibel with all of my addons, and it works better than internet explorer.
  8. I use aim on windows and meebo and skype on linux.
  9. Yes, that is what you should have to use. Currently when i am connecting using remote mysql i keep getting an error but it should still work.
  10. Bass5098


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