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Posts posted by Byron

  1. Attention djbob:


    Last night I found a very large (30.65 MB) core file inside one of my public directories:




    so I thought I would leave it until this morning and see if it removed itself but I found it still there. So thinking it was just some server glitch I just went ahead and removed it. Then later this morning I was talking with a friend and this is what they told me:


    It happened once at my old TL/2 account and it had something to do with the server hard drive becoming corrupt. If I remember right I had core files only in each directory that had a shtml file in it.


    Don't have any idea if what happened to me has anything to do with what my friend told me but thought it a good idea to let you know.





  2. Does it just HAVE to be written that way? Will this not work for you?


    <form name="" method="post" action="" enctype="application/x-www-form-urlencoded">
    <select name="jump" size="1" onChange="location.href=(this.options[this.selectedIndex].value)">
    <option> - Links - </option>
    <option value="http://">Link</option>
    <option value="http://">Link</option>
    <option value="http://">Link</option>
    <option value="http://">Link</option>
    <option value="http://">Link</option>



  3. Sorry, this is a permanent thing :(

    The "exec" command is really dangerous. It gives users command-line access from their PHP script. Command-line access is strictly disabled at HelioHost because it makes an attacker*s job too easy. You won*t find any stable free hosts that offer shell access :)


    If that is the final word than I guess I*ll have to live with it. I really don*t use ImageMagick that much but it*s nice to have.


    Why not use GD instead of ImageMagick? Also, why is command-line access needed for the ImageMagick extension? There is a PHP class for it.

    Did you write these scripts, or was it someone else?


    I*m really not that versed in php scripting and can*t answer you as to why to use "command-line" over GD. A friend of mine wrote the scripts:




    and is more knowledgable about ImageMagick than I am, but she also uses GD so maybe she can help me figure out how to do it differently?


    btw, while I*ve got your attention, were you able to do a server build over the weekend and enable Ming? That same person "LingoLinda" is the person who I will be studying Ming with.


    Thanks djbob,





    I just realized something djbob, the url you posted is Imagick. Can you enable Imagick for me? I would much rather have Imagick than command-line anyway.



  4. Hey djbob! I read in the Heliohost PHP that I could request Ming if I wanted it. I have a couple of friends that are going to be playing around with Ming in the next week or so and I thought it would be fun to join in for the experience of it, so if it's no problem I would like to request that Ming be enabled.









  5. I don't think so... I'm not 100% sure on how Neomail works. My only worry would be that it might get rid of all your existing messages or your folder structure. Open up another one of the email clients and see if the folders are the same and if you still have the same files you had in Neomail. If yes, then I'm pretty sure you can safely discard the Neomail folder ;)


    I was thinking about doing the same thing but wanted to wait for your reply before going ahead with anything. Thanks again djbob, your a good man! :)


    btw, the new ImageMagick is even better than before. Loaded with even more features. :)





  6. 1: It was an issue with the ScriptAlias directive not been transferred with the virtualhost config from the old server. Fixed.

    2: It was indeed a permissions error. See if it is working now.

    3: Hmm, I don't seem to remember installing ImageMagick last time. Turns out it's part of the cPanel Pro extension we had on the old server and never used. Okay, I'm installing the ImageMagick extension now. Let me know if it works.

    4: Neomail... I'll look around and get back to you on that.



    Yes, it looks like the latest version of cPanel doesn't support Neomail anymore. Roundcube, Squirrelmail, and Horde are still available though.


    1: RESOLVED - thanks!

    2: RESOLVED - thanks!

    3: RESOLVED - thanks!

    4: So if I delete the neomail folder only, will that delete anything I shouldn't be deleting?






  7. Hey, I don't know about 3 and 4 (I'm just waiting for my old site to expire), but I think for 1 and 2, it's a permissions problem. I dun think you can do anything about 2.

    For 1, try setting all your files in cgi-bin to 755 or something of that sort. If you dunno what I'm talking about, there should be numbers to the right of each file in the cpanel file manager, those are the ones you have to fiddle with.


    Thanks Wizzard! Yes I understand file permissions and how to change them and all my cgi/perl files are set to 755. Nothing was changed on my end after the move. Even my .shtml files inside the cgi-bin aren't showing either. As far as the cron permissions go, I don't have access to:




    to change permissions I don't think? But my crons still seem to be woking, just not showing me the settings.


    I don't think there is anything I can do but wait for djbob to check into it?





  8. Hey DJ Bob, first let me say thanks for the great service you provide, HelioHost is the best. :)


    I was just moved to the new server (Stevie) yesterday and have a few issues to go over.

    1. None of my files inside my cgi-bin seem to be working although they are all there. Says can't be found:




    2. On my cron manager none of my cron settings are showing up, (I have two crons that run once a day), but they seem to still be working. And it is showing this message on the cron manager page:


      /usr/bin/crontab permissions are wrong. Please set to 4755


    3. Is ImageMagick enabled on the new server? I have several php scripts that use the command line and a perl script that uses ImageMagick. They worked fine on the old sever but aren't working now. Or maybe the path is different?


    4. Is Neo Mail no longer available on the new server? If not do I just delete the entire neo folder in my user directory and then choose another web mail?






  9. Hi, a very nice scripts.

    Thanks for providing it, I'll need it and try not to use the password protect directory available in Cpanel :-p


    The password protection just gives you another option besides making a directory password protected. But if your going to use .htaccess anyway, here's a neat little trick that will keep you from typing in your password each time. After you've set up password protection on a directory, go back and configure your .htaccess file like this:


    AuthName "Restricted Access"
    AuthUserFile "/home/user/.htpasswds/public_html/directory/passwd"
    AuthType Basic
    Require valid-user
    Order allow,deny
    Allow from 100.200.300.195
    Satisfy any


    Just replace 100.200.300.195 with your ip and your ip doesn't have to enter the password, but all others do. This way if your on another pc, you can still access your files with a password.


    Or simply not have a password at all and only allow your ip access:


    order deny,allow
    deny from all
    allow from



  10. With that said, you may be able to create a .htaccess file to allow execution of scripts in your public_html directory. Check out the section on .htaccess files in Apache Tutorial: Dynamic Content with CGI. I haven't tried this and depending on how Apache is configured on the server it may or may not allow the override.


    Thanks Meriadoc, that worked out great! :)




    I have a couple of cgi files that need to be in the public_html directory and one is already password protected and I can protect the other with htaccess.


    Now hopefully you can help me out with just one more little problem? Is there anyway to enlarge the small textarea on the edit page?






  11. Yeah, giving us so little information isn't exactly the best way to ask for help. You have to at least attempt to describe what sort of problem you are encountering. Off the top of my head, I'd say djbob hasn't validated your account yet, so all you can do is wait. Off the slightly less top of my head, I hope you have typed in your username without capitals, or else cpanel won't log you in.


    I'm sorry I guess I should have given more information. Yes I have tried loging in with the correct username and pass, (all in lower case) without success. I didn't realize that after I was sent the cpanel login url that I would have to wait for validaton. So maybe 24 hrs and I should be able to login?





    NOTE: (edit)


    I just found my answer on my home page: :)


    Ad-based accounts must been approved before they become active. This is a one-time process that usually takes less than a day after the initial account registration



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