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Everything posted by Byron

  1. I've reset your password again to the same password that I emailed you and successfully logged into your cpanel. You should be able to login through your domain like this: http://itrendz11.co.cc/cpanel or http://heliohost.org:2082/frontend/x3/index.phpcp If your problem is other than you being able to login, please specify what that is.
  2. Okay I've reset your password and emailed it to you. Let me know if you still have any problems.
  3. An administrator will have to delete your account. What is your username and domain name?
  4. It will delete itself in 30 days if you fail to login to your cpanel.
  5. I'm not seeing any accounts in the database with this username: loll1011. It probably got deleted because you failed to login every 30 days. You can register that account again if you like.
  6. If you've forgotten your old password I can change it for you. If you can login to cpanel you can change it there. Do you need me to change it for you?
  7. Sorry but your only allowed one account. Just use a subdomain or an Addon domain. You can get a free domain name here: http://www.co.cc
  8. If it's been over 48 hours since you registered, try refreshing your browser's cache. If that doesn't work, post your username and domain name.
  9. We don't provide free domain names and since I'm not seeing SrividyaRaghuraman.com in our database you can go ahead and register again with something like this if yu want? srividya.heliohost.org
  10. What domain name did you register with? Also we don't provide free domain names . If you don't have a domain name already you should have signed up with a heliohost sub-domain name.
  11. How long ago did you try changing the nameservers to ours? If it's been over 48 hours than contact your registrar and have them change the nameservers. Right now this is where your domain is pointing.
  12. His last login shows it was yesterday and since he had me create him a new account and he failed to tell us he had the other account I'm going to delete 2011.heliohost.org from the database and he can wait for his new account to become active tomorrow.
  13. Ok your domain name is now: rastres.heliohost.org Give it 24 hours to resolve. Ok your domain name is now: rastres.heliohost.org Give it 24 hours to resolve.
  14. Are you referring to this account? mdlyn.heliohost.org? He sent me a PM and I went ahead and created that account for him (before checking this thread) but after checking I found out he already has an account. 2011.heliohost.org So he needs to decide which account he wants to keep.
  15. I'm not seeing bobbysurf.heliohost.org in our database. Did you forget to login every 30 days?
  16. I've never used joomla but I believe it's localhost.
  17. We can't reset your account to the original default settings. All we can do is delete your account and let you register again. Are you not able to delete joomla from your puplic_ftp folder and re-install it again in public_html?
  18. We can't reset your account to the original settings but what we can do is delete your account and you can register again. But you might want to think about this first? Do you realize that a username for an addon domain looks something like this? username@domain.co.cc You should be able to delete the addon domain from your cpnael without even using the username of the addon domain.
  19. Either djbob or Wizard suspended his account because of phishing.
  20. Ok go ahead and register your new domain.
  21. Byron


    What is your domain name and your sub-domain name?
  22. I'm seeing your site now. Refresh your cache if your not.
  23. Your getting that error because you already have an account. zfund.heliohost.org We only allow one account per user.
  24. Give it 24 to 48 hours and then refresh your browser's cache and you should be ok.
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