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Everything posted by Byron

  1. Your domain still isn't pointed to our nameservers. At the time of this post your pointed to: ns1.popdns.com http://byrondallas.heliohost.org/php/tools...e.vu&rec=NS
  2. Do you see a regular error_log file in the same directory as the core file? Also you might check your Error log at your cpanel.
  3. This support request is being escalated to our root admin. Just wanted to make sure you were aware of this djbob. Stevie has really been unstable the last few days.
  4. This has been the case for everybody in the last couple of days. We are trying to work out the bugs now.
  5. They sometimes occur when there's a bug in your script. Just delete them.
  6. You didn't break any rule. You'll have to ask Wizard, he's second in command around here.
  7. I'm seeing the index of your domain now. http://stats.iiamchat.tk Try your other pages.
  8. jje I'm going to go ahead and escalate this since he's still seeing his original domain name at his cpanel. @djbob: I changed his domain about 3 days ago from: handmadebyerika.heliohost.org to handmadebyerika.com and he's still seeing handmadebyerika.heliohost.org at his cpanel.
  9. Why did you remove your tmp directory? If you deleted it through cpanel, you might want to see if you can restore it from your Trash bin. Try deleting the files that are shown in the errors djbob posted: index.php Count.cgi Your website is still there, it was just a downtime of the server.
  10. His site was actually showing the queued page even after you fixed the bug. I changed his domain a couple of days ago from: handmadebyerika.heliohost.org to handmadebyerika.com and it hasn't resolved yet.
  11. Well the server load images are kinda reserved for the administrators. Your domain is showing active in the database which is par for it to become active tomorrow. Just try and have a little patience and leave the nameservers as they are and you can check it first thing in the morning.
  12. That probably wasn't a good idea. I was worried that you adding it as a parked domain and at the same time I was changing the domain name to the same name might have screwed with the domain name change process. That's why I had you check again. Let's just hope it didn't. If godaddy offers an option to redirect without changing the nameservers than go for it.
  13. When I go here: http://handmadebyerika.com I'm seeing the Heliohost Queued page, which means it's going to be another 24 hours. It probably would have been ok today but Stevie went down early this morning. You have to remember when I changed your domain name it put you at the bottom of the queued list. If you'll just leave the nameservers like they are you want keep having to wait for propagation on your domain name. Do me a favor while we are on the subject and check at your cpanel and see if your still showing handmadebyerika.com as a parked domain.
  14. This support request is being escalated to our root admin.
  15. It'll probably be ok after the server does a restart at around 3:00 am pst.
  16. Sometimes it can take up to 72 hours for the dns to propagate but I think you'll be ok in another 24.
  17. At the time of this post your domain isn't pointed to us. http://byrondallas.heliohost.org/php/tools....com&rec=NS Should be: ns1.heliohost.org ns2.heliohost.org
  18. Then your problem has nothing to do with Piwik. You earlier stated: And that's why we have been going this route of uninstalling and reinstalling Piwik. Escalating to djbob....
  19. I think your still getting the 500 error even without the Piwik application. http://stats.iiamchat.tk/ Try renaming your root .htaccess file to something else and see if your error goes away.
  20. Go ahead and uninstall once more and make sure your NOT getting the 500 error anymore. Then go here and grab the latest version zip file: http://piwik.org/docs/installation/ Zip File http://piwik.org/latest.zip Upload it to your site and unzip it there and go through the set up procedures from the index.php file. I unzipped it to my site ealier and didn't have any problems. Also when it asks you for a database name, give it a name something like this: liamchat_name See if that helps you out.
  21. Did you check to see if you were still getting the 500 error after you uninstalled it? Those previous errors in your error log had nothing to do with your 500 eror. Are all pages in your sub-domaoin returning a 500 error or just your index page?
  22. Were you getting the 500 error before you installed Piwik? If not then uninstall Piwik using your cpanel (if that's how it was installed). If you installed it via FTP, then uninstall it via FTP and see if your error goes away.
  23. I'm still seeing a 500 error on this sub-domain: stats.liamchat.tk Go to your cpanel and look in the error log and see if there are any errors.
  24. If you have a .htaccess file in your subdomain directory, try either renaming it or removing it.
  25. I'm seeing your site (liveget.com) just fine. As far as the ip, it looks like that is the ip of your site.
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