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Everything posted by Byron

  1. Ok your account has been reactivated. Make sure you login to your cpanel once a month.
  2. Login to your cpanel and change your password. Then go back and see if you can login via ftp with your new password.
  3. Please post your username and domain name.
  4. This maybe due to high server load. When was the last time you tried connecting?
  5. I think you meant to say Stevie because info.heliohost.org is on Stevie. Anyway djbob set this up on info.heliohost.org: http://info.heliohost.org/load.php I'm supposing to correspond to johnny's load.php: http://jinfo.heliohost.org/load.php It's all up to djbob now.
  6. That's how this image gets its info for Stevie's server load: http://heliohost.org/load/server_load_s.gif http://info.heliohost.org/load.php
  7. I reactivated this account this morning because the server load image was showing down. I'm guessing the email notification goes to you djbob when somebody fails to login every 30 days? Would it be ok to put this as the last login date? 2025-05-04 Would that keep it active until the year 2025?
  8. Escalating... He's on server Stevie. Right now this is how it goes: zlib.output_compression=off zlib.output_compression_level=1
  9. The first code I posted doesn't allow for extra passwords and yes you would need to add that to every page you wanted to protect. To make it easier you could change the code around a little and add it as an include to your pages. <?php session_start(); # script by DJ Mike ###### CHANGE PASSWORD HERE ###### $password = "chickenlips"; $form = "<form method=\"post\"> <input type=\"password\" name=\"admin_pass\" value=\"$_SESSION[admin_pass]\" /> <input type=\"submit\" name=\"login\" value=\"login\" /> <input type=\"submit\" name=\"logout\" value=\"logout\" /> </form>"; if ( isset($_POST[logout]) ) { unset( $_SESSION[admin_pass] ); session_destroy(); header("location:$_SERVER[PHP_SELF]"); } ?> <center> <?php echo "$form"; ?> </center> <?php # if not logged in AND incorrect, hide rest of page if ( $_POST[admin_pass] != "$password" && $_SESSION[admin_pass] != "$password" ) { $_SESSION[admin_pass] = ""; session_destroy(); echo "</body></html>"; exit; } if ( $_POST[admin_pass] == "$password" || $_SESSION[admin_pass] != "$password") { $_SESSION[admin_pass] = "$password"; } ?> You would add that code above to a page and call it something like: password.php and then add it to the top of any page like this: <?php include("password.php"); ?> Also keep in mind that any page you add that to has to end in .php ----------------- Here's a script I didn't even know I had that I had saved from a while back. It will allow several passwords. This script doesn't require you to logout. The sessions expires after 20 seconds and you can change that time near the top of the script along with the passwords. This too can be added as an include to any page. Download the text file below and then upload it to your site and rename it to something like: password.php http://byrondallas.heliohost.org/temp/password.txt Then include it on a page just like before: <?php include("password.php"); ?> Here's an example. Password either chickenlips or password. http://byrondallas.heliohost.org/temp/password_include.php
  10. Your site has been reativated. There's no need to post twice about the same issue.
  11. Okay your back up. Make sure you login once a month.
  12. Here's what it looks like. The password is chickenlips. http://byrondallas.heliohost.org/temp/password_page.php Here's the code. Just copy and paste it to a page and give it a .php extension. You don't need to know any php, just replace my html with yours. You'll see the comments telling you where. Then you'll see a place at the top to change the password. <?php session_start(); # script by DJ Mike ###### CHANGE PASSWORD HERE ###### $password = "chickenlips"; $form = "<form method=\"post\"> <input type=\"password\" name=\"admin_pass\" value=\"$_SESSION[admin_pass]\" /> <input type=\"submit\" name=\"login\" value=\"login\" /> <input type=\"submit\" name=\"logout\" value=\"logout\" /> </form>"; if ( isset($_POST[logout]) ) { unset( $_SESSION[admin_pass] ); session_destroy(); header("location:$_SERVER[PHP_SELF]"); } ?> <!-- HEAD & BODY OF PAGE --> <html> <head> <title>Login Page</title> </head> <body bgcolor="#ffffff" text="#000025"> <center> <?php echo "$form"; ?> </center> <?php # if not logged in AND incorrect, hide rest of page if ( $_POST[admin_pass] != "$password" && $_SESSION[admin_pass] != "$password" ) { $_SESSION[admin_pass] = ""; session_destroy(); echo "</body></html>"; exit; } if ( $_POST[admin_pass] == "$password" || $_SESSION[admin_pass] != "$password") { $_SESSION[admin_pass] = "$password"; } ?> <!-- REST OF YOUR PAGE GOES HERE --> <br><br><br> <h3>Your Successfully Logged In</h3> This is a password protected page. Your page content would go here in place of this message. </body> </html>
  13. May I ask why you need to logout of a password protected directory without closing your browser? From all that I've read Apache is pretty much right. cPanel has a logout link that logs you out but a search for how it's done brings nothing up. If you just trying to do this on a couple of pages I can give you a simple php script that goes at the top of your page that will require a password and it will let you log out. If your interested let me know.
  14. Why don't you believe them? Did you try Google? how to clear the browser's authentication cache
  15. What server are you on? If your on Stevie then it's probably due to high server load this morning. Try fetching them later today.
  16. Sometimes you get that message if you accidently click twice on the renew page. If your able to login ok at your cpanel and you can see your site, then your ok.
  17. Your welcome! Here's a neat little trick I use on my password protected directories. It keeps my from having to login all the time. If you add this code right under the the cpanel generated code it will allow your ip address (without login) and require password from all others. Order Allow,Deny Allow from Satisfy Any Be sure to change to your ip. You can also have multiple Allow lines if you login from more than one computer: Allow from Allow from Allow from 200.183.706.55
  18. Go to the folder that you've password protected and look inside the .htaccess file and see if cpanel has updated it with the password protection code and post it here. Also did you complete two steps when creating the password protected directory? First you give it a name and click submit, then you go back and add user and password. I wouldn't worry too much about your site being secure. You still want to keep most of your site for public view. Just creat ever how many password protected directories you feel you need for personel stuff.
  19. You do know that you don't have to have a redirect on your parked domain? If you would remove the redirect then nobody would know the difference. My Parked Domain http://bybyron.uni.cc My heliohost sub domain http://byrondallas.heliohost.org But if you still want to change your domain name you'll first have to remove your parked domain at your cpanel and wait 24 hours. Once you've done that, then post back again and we'll provide you a tool to do it yourself.
  20. I'm seeing your site ok. Refresh your browser's cache.
  21. No not right off hand but I'll do a search and see what I come up with.
  22. I figured you knew that but I wanted to make sure Bart623 knew that. It's important if you like doing it the correct way. I don't know that there's any security risk by chmoding php or html files to 755, but you just don't need execute permissions on those files. The only time I've ever needed to give execute permissions on an html file is when I wanted to use SSI without changing the .html extension to .shtml. Then it required only 744 and this in the .htaccess file: XBitHack on To chmod only html files in a directory, something like: find -name "*.html" -exec chmod 644 {} \; Only directories: find -type d -exec chmod 755 {} \;
  23. Hey djbob could I get you to sync the time on Stevie the next time you get a chance? It's a about 7 or 8 minutes off. Thank you! http://byrondallas.heliohost.org/php/time.php
  24. Not all files need or should be chmoded to 755. ALL html & php files should be 644. @Bart623: Your probably going to need to post your username and domain name for djbob. Once the problem gets resolved you can edit out that part of your post.
  25. Ok I've reset your password and I will PM it to you.
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