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Everything posted by Byron

  1. I've renewed your account. Have you tried the password reset from the cpanel login?
  2. Seems all accounts on Johnny are down at the moment. This issue should be fixed soon.
  3. You should have registered with: codigoalvo.heliohost.org and then added: codigoalvo.com.br as a Parked Domain. Would you like to delete codigoalvo.com.br and register all over again?
  4. Call the manufacturer of the server and ask for "Technical Assistance" and explain to them exactly what happened. I'm sure they will be happy to help you troubleshoot something like that.
  5. You think it could have been a high voltage spike when the power was restored after the power outage? It seemed that's when our problems started happening was right after the power outage.
  6. Byron

    Stevie downtime

    Yes I understood that part. I guess I should have worded my reply a little differently. I Should have said, "Did you come up with anything else or are we still uncertain to what the problem is?"
  7. Byron

    Stevie downtime

    I take it you were at the data center when you were running these tests? Did you come up with anything or are we still uncertain to what the problem is?
  8. Um Big Psychic Spirit in the sky is tellin me your tryin to pull the buffallo skin over our eyes!
  9. Besides doing magic, the famous magician Houdini spent his life going around disproving psychics. He even had a secret word he told his wife and upon his death she was to visit psychics that would supposedly get in touch with him in the spirit world. No psychic ever got the secret word right.
  10. Is x-creations.co.nz an addon or parked domain? And did you set it up at your cpanel once you moved to stevie?
  11. All accounts on Johnny are showing the suspension page. We are currently trying to resolve this issue.
  12. Okay your site has been manually unsuspeneded. Refresh your cache if you still don't see your site.
  13. Please only post once about the same problem. Okay your site has been manually unsuspeneded. Refresh your cache if you still don't see your site.
  14. Guys check your root htaccess file for a redirect. Nevermind it's not in the htaccess. It seems all accounts on Johnny are being redirected.
  15. Byron

    Johnny Server

    It's not normal for Johnny to be down this long. Hopefully Johnny will be back up soon.
  16. The server Johnny has been down all day. Hopefully this will be corrected soon.
  17. I'm seeing a 403 Error when I try to visit your site. Have you done anything recently that would have altered your root htaccess file?
  18. It takes at least 24 hours after you register before you can log in to cPanel.
  19. If your site was deleted then there's no hope of recovery. If you'd like me to check to make sure, then post your username and domain name.
  20. Okay I've reset your password and emailed it to the email address your registered with.
  21. What is your domain name and username?
  22. That's correct. As long as your cron script sends something to the browser and you leave that off, you'll get an email each time cron runs.
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