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Everything posted by Byron

  1. Make sure you chmod it to 755. I'm not exactly sure I understand what your saying but this is how it works on my site. This is the proxy url, which should only work for me because I don't want anybody else using it: http://byrondallas.heliohost.org/cgi-bin/nph-proxy.pl If I want to use it to connect to this forum, my url looks like this: http://byrondallas.heliohost.org/cgi-bin/nph-proxy.pl/000000A/http/www.helionet.org/index/ Is this what you mean?
  2. Byron

    Power Failure

    I'm not sure what went wrong, apparently both the generator and UPS failed. Maybe that only applies to paid accounts? They host our servers for free.
  3. Go here: http://www.jmarshall.com/tools/cgiproxy/ And download the latest version of cgiproxy file here: http://www.jmarshall.com/tools/cgiproxy/re....1beta19.tar.gz Upload it to your cgi-bin and unzip and your ready to go. They have older version gzips if you want one but they recommend using the latest version.
  4. You can reactivate your account here: http://www.heliohost.org/scripts/renew.php
  5. I had to manually unsuspend your account. If your still seeing the suspended page, refresh your cache.
  6. God is all about science and contrary to popular belief the true God of the bible is not looking for blind faith. He wants us to know what we believe in. He wants us to search him out and to connect with him. If you'll search him out and earnestly try to understand him, you WILL find him.
  7. I had to manually unsuspend your account. If your still seeing the suspended page, clear your cache.
  8. Your account was showing as INACTIVE. I've renewed your account so try logging in now with your old password.
  9. This support request is being escalated to our root admin.
  10. This support request is being escalated to our root admin.
  11. Oops, sorry for my typo. I hope it didn't cause you too many headaches! I'll edit my post to show it corrected.
  12. What is your domain name on Johnny?
  13. Should be: php -q /home1/<myaccountname>/public_html/<myphpfile>.php If you don't wish to receive an email each time cron runs, then: php -q /home1/<myaccountname>/public_html/<myphpfile>.php >/dev/null 2>&1 Also you don't need this line for php files: #!/usr/local/bin/php Just use php tags for any php code: <?php echo date("F j, Y, g:i a"); ?>
  14. You just registered today. It takes 24 to 48 hours for your site to become active.
  15. Who created the Creator? You say everything is limited and must rely on something else that is also limited. Therefor, shouldn't someone or something have created the Creator? If you don't believe in a creator because of the question, "Who created the Creator?". Then you must believe in evolution. Therefore you must ask yourself these questions: Who or what started evolution? If your answer might be, The Big Bang. Then who or what started the Big Bang? etc, ect, ect. I myself believe in God who has always existed.
  16. So are you saying that your still having a problem with your email?
  17. Byron

    Access denied.

    If your on the server Johnny, he can be unstable at times.
  18. Okay I've manually unsuspeneded your account. Make sure you login every 30 days.
  19. Byron

    Access denied.

    I'm seeing your public_html directory. Clear your cache.
  20. JAVA seems to be down on Johnny right now. Escalating...
  21. I think it's like that by default. If you've corrected it, it should stay corrected.
  22. Go to your cpanel and look under the mail catagory for Default Address, I believe that's the name and follow the instructions.
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