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Everything posted by Byron

  1. Normally the server Stevie isn't slow. if you can wait until the root administrator has a look at the slowness problem, Then I think you'll be happier staying with Stevie. If you insist on moving to Johnny, you can delete your account here: http://www.heliohost.org/home/support/scripts/delete
  2. Byron

    help please

    We're aware of the problems and working to correct them as soon as possible.
  3. You need to wait 24-48 hours for your site to become active.
  4. I'm assuming you want to password protect a directory? You can do that from your cPanel. Look for Password Protect Directories. If this is not the case then please be a little more specific.
  5. If nobody here at helionet can show you how, try this forum. http://www.codingforums.com I'm sure if it can be done, somebody there will know how. If you come up with a solution, please post it back here in this thread.
  6. If your lke me, sometimes you need to show the source of your php script. You can highlight (color code) your php code with the highlight_file() function. By using the .phps extension you can just make a copy of the php file and then rename it with the phps extension like below: Working file: http://helio.byrondallas.heliohost.org/server_load_s.gif Highlighted file: http://helio.byrondallas.heliohost.org/server_load_s.phps First create a file named phpsource.php in your root directory and add the code below: <?php if (substr($_GET['file'],strpos($_GET['file'],'.')) == '.phps') { highlight_file($_GET['file']); } ?> Then add these two lines to your root .htaccess file: RewriteEngine On RewriteRule ^(.+.phps)$ phpsource.php?file=$1 [L] Now you can show the source of any php file by adding the .phps extension. There's also another way which I use more often and that's using the highlight_string() function. <?php highlight_string('YOUR PHP CODE HERE'); ?> I normally just add that to the bottom of an example page, like the example below: http://helio.byrondallas.heliohost.org/email_form.php Just remember if you use single quotes to wrap your code in, you'll need backslash ALL single quotes inside your code \'. Same way if you use double quotes to wrap your code in, then you'll need to backslash ALL of the double quotes in your code \".
  7. I really don't think this can be done since php is server side and javascript is client side. If it can, it's beyond me.
  8. This is what is causing the 403 error. It is saying to deny from all to any files that end in .xml. Remove that and the 403 error will go away. <Files ~ ".xml"> Order allow,deny Deny from all Satisfy All </Files> The 404 may be because the server is down right now.
  9. Okay then, you tell me why your script isn't working? Is this what your looking for? http://byrondallas.heliohost.org/temp/java-time-php.php
  10. I still say that your problem is your trying to execute php through a javascript function and it won't work. Quoted from the this thread: http://www.codingforums.com/archive/index.php/t-2600.html
  11. What I was trying to say is that your trying to execute the php through the javascript. You can't execute php through the client. Or either your javascript is wrong. I've never really learned javascript so I can't help you there.
  12. His robots.txt is invalid but that wouldn't produce a 403 error. My browser doesn't check for a robots.txt nor my header tool. This is the correct code for all robots: User-agent: * Disallow: http://www.robotstxt.org/robotstxt.html Or just leave it blank.
  13. I'm like xaav, "can you post an example"? Where did you get this script? I'm thinking (and I could be wrong) the problem is that your trying to execute php through the browser when it's a server side language. Javascript is browser side. Your php is working correctly when it's ONLY php on a page: http://byrondallas.heliohost.org/temp/java-scrip-php.php
  14. I'm still seeing a 403. Even my Header Tool is showing a 403 error. Can you post what you have in your root htaccess file?
  15. I'm getting a 403 error when I try accessing this page: earthmaps.heliohost.org/sitemap.xml Check your root htaccess file for anything that would be blocking everybody but you.
  16. Your site is up and running. Moving to Customer Service for perl and python issues. Please try this perl script for me and chmod it to 755: #!/usr/bin/perl -w use CGI ':standard'; $current_time = localtime; # print header, start_html('A Virtual Clock'), h1('A Virtual Clock'), "The current time is $current_time - PST.", hr, end_html;
  17. I'm sorry but it looks like that account has been deleted. I'm not seeing any account related to the username conboi. Please feel free to create another account if you like.
  18. I've manually unsuspended your account. Please clear your cache if you still see the suspended page.
  19. The default allows simple (not fancy) directory indexing.
  20. You do know that htaccess is hereditary? If you set it for no indexing from your public_html htaccess file, all directories will follow that rule.
  21. Sorry I don't do chat. The best I can do is tell you to try a google search. Maybe somebody else can help if they read this post?
  22. A simple "Contact Me" form that uses the php mail() function. Just edit the $to line to your email address and style it to your likeing. Demo: http://heliohost.uni.cc/email_form.php Text version to upload or ftp: http://heliohost.uni.cc/email_form.txt
  23. If your interested you can grab it at area51. http://area51.heliohost.org/cgi-bin/ftp_johnny.cgi Feel free to modify it in any way you want.
  24. Your probably right. Speaking of which, here's a quick test script to check Pure-FTPd on both servers. Stevie http://heliohost.uni.cc/cgi-bin/ftp_stevie.cgi Johnny http://dallas.heliohost.org/cgi-bin/ftp_johnny.cgi
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