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Everything posted by TylerDiaz

  1. I only paint with oil pastels ^^"'
  2. Kinda got lost in the end? xD
  3. Thank you very much djbob. Another reason why to love heliohost
  4. Hmm Ive dealt with net firsm before and they seem preety fast to work out with?
  5. Into price ranging? I could recomend somthing, not to get, The "I phone". Lots of complaints and problems with it.
  6. Yeah I agree njen xD Poor lady.
  7. Well what would that teacher be doing?
  8. Hmm i laughed at first but then got lost x_x.
  9. Yeah totally true multiple. xD Though thanks for the laugh.
  10. xD It looks very cool actually.
  11. 1137 ^^
  12. Ive been practicing for 6 years. I got stucked after 3 months. Its easy if you take it step by step.
  13. Ive been drawing for 5 years now, only thing is i dont have a scanner to scan them in. If i were to get one i will be glad to post my gallery. ^^
  14. TylerDiaz


    Welcome to Helio! Its a great hosting service so wise choice in choosing it
  15. Indeed, I apologize for the inconvinience. Also thanks for the responce guys <3
  16. Wow impressive achievements! I once waned to become a game developer too awesome joe but its quite frustrating to me.
  17. Yes, as other users have stated you can have a hosting service only with the disadvantage of a banner. Also welcome to helio hosting!
  18. All right i had made my helio site, 31 hours ago, /precisely/ and I had to restart my computer without saving my preferences or anything, I would appreciate if anyone could retrieve my site's name. Also my Email is dsymphonalityx@hotmail.com
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