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Everything posted by euler

  1. The reasons are completly economic, the territory... and the womans in afganisthan (sorry hehe)
  2. The torrents are the best p2p software all over internet, so... continues sharing
  3. the x10hosting servers are currently down :S
  4. I use the ipod, and the camera
  5. In Argentina fibertel is working with 40MB
  6. Welcome! (later but..) i like the metal music too!.
  7. My birthday is february 3
  8. Hi JIMBOB and welcome to the community, all the people is nice here. have fun!
  9. euler


    Hhahaha, ohhh yeah!, nice, very funny hehe.
  10. the last was... Superbad i think
  11. I saw the movie, was nice! haha, Miklovi xD, the guys are really stupid. In spanish the title is "supercool"
  12. 1153
  13. If all yours try to think in a logical way, or using the science... are lost;) Why?, because this is a altern universe (the really true probably not exist)
  14. Is simply: God not reasoning, god feels
  15. Haha, i know small fox pro, i programm with sql connections...
  16. euler

    index of/

    I found the solution (in advance services) in Cpanel, thanks djbob
  17. I have a problem with my website, I enter to my site and... Click HERE I wish change this, when I enter to: mysite.heliohost.org the index page would be Index.php, .html... whatever, but no with directories and my other files... understand?, please help me hehe, I review all the permissions and the .htaccess
  18. I recent read about this, is a good idea , pay with helions (800 post yearly)... wow, is really good!
  19. this is the place to post links to websites about bands you like, fan websites and forums etc...
  20. Small posible, But is (democracy)
  21. euler


    You can, I use Hotmail, Yahoo, Gmail, Skipe...
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