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Everything posted by euler

  1. Hehhee, Oasis are pop ... hahaha!, is a joke Oasis rock
  2. Wow, you like MUSE!, yeaaah, MUSE rulezz, post in the topic to MUSE!
  3. Wii, is so good!, the consoles are very superior than other consoles..over the world!
  4. I think the sports are best
  5. The skin desing is good, I like the yellow, and the script windows.... wowwww, very awsm
  6. euler

    i m New

    Hi jay!, you`re a woman? :$ hehe Welcomeee!
  7. Yeah, the heliohost is the best!, welcome to the forum!
  8. euler


  9. Obviously, the transformers
  10. I hate to Harry potter, is a NERD guy haha, very stupid, please see to Chris Angel, he is real.
  11. The Simpsons, the movie, aswm movie, I love it, they are good, Nice movie.
  12. Wow... I think... Artificial Intellecy (?)
  13. I saw the moon in the bootle, in a DVD (pirate)
  14. I loved the astronomy, I wish be a astronaut... in other life haha
  15. hhaha is a joke?, the aliens in this world, isnt exist , but I think some important go to other planet, like Saturn, or mercury xD
  16. We have the solution, but we are BLIND
  17. Generally the big great host servers, like helionet (4 TB)
  18. Hhahhaa!, why??! , I have a Pentium II of '98, Ram: 128, 40 gigabytes... and I have Internet xD! very old :S
  19. 1145
  20. In my cookies!
  21. euler

  22. Limewire
  23. Very nice girl!, hahaha!, come on mommie!
  24. Firefox vs internet explorer... is like 'linux' vs 'microsoft'...
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