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  1. i don't understand the game!
  2. i posted a review for HelioHost on both the Free WebHosts and the FreeHostsFinder.
  3. wow.
  4. honestly dude i've only used limewire and i didnt have a good experience with it besides good music. but it made my computer goo really slow and now i have to clean it once a week instead of once a year!
  5. lol funny story
  6. man i need to build my site so i need 1000 helions so i can purchase a domain thing! can anyone help me out on a faster way to earn helions then to post 100 posts?
  7. wow fascinating stuff! i'm learning how to create web sites right now and next year i'm probably going to get into a few college courses to get my bachelors in web designing!
  8. i honestly dont care how much they get paid as long as the dolphins start winning so freaking games! ugh so aggravating!
  9. i cannot wait for the season to start again which by the way is on monday 9/24/07. I think sylar is dead and this season there should be new cast members so it will be even more exciting then the last!! yes! lol
  10. i've only seeen like one of the movies listed above, but i really want to go see the others, but yes it has been a good movie year! and i hear it will be an even greater movie year in 2008.
  11. honestly, the afterlife was created to give people a visualization of what life could be like after death. people created that so that we wont be afraid of dying and that we have something to look towards if we do die. although with each religion the story changes, its only there to makes us at ease with our fate that everyone will go through.
  12. my pc is almost 4 years old and i'm not sure how much longer it will last. probably a while but i'm sure how much longer i can last with this thing you know what i mean
  13. i'm confused
  14. happy birthday to everyone!
  15. quattillion
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