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Everything posted by Spaceman3750

  1. Oh joy, sounds like they really care about you ... I hope that our school called the FD and told them to take their time because it was a false alarm, because it took them like 15-20 min to get there .
  2. Wow... At my school, you make a bomb threat, it's an immediate Level 20 demerit (expulsion). The worst I have had thus far was standing outside for 30 minutes because someone shattered a fire alarm pull station in the Gym with a dodgeball (an accident) and triggered the alarms . I got out of study hall, but we didn't get to go get our books until 5 min after the 3PM bell... Then the fire alarm system control unit beeped all day the next day... I wanted to hit it with a baseball bat and trigger the alarms again .
  3. When I attempt to install Mambo Open Source via cPanel I get the following error: I am assuming this is a problem with the parent host so could you please bring it up with them, djbob (unless you can fix it yourself/faster )?
  4. Pleace don't neocromance. Thanks .
  5. It is not child labor...
  6. LOL, no kidding, I would abandon HH in a heartbeat... Although you know how big companies are about ads...
  7. How long are they now anyway? The first three kept growing in size...
  8. I heard the MadCatz stuff was a load of, well you know.
  9. Yes, I know about slavery in the Bible, but I can't figure out how we can rightfully say that slavery is an unbiblical act (and I am in no way condoning slavery)... Again, not keeping kosher makes Christians look bad because we keep some Old Testament laws, but not others. I will admit we look bad in that area... And the whole Middle East thing is starting to get rediculous, I will agree with you there (when Bush says he talked to God there is a definite chance he has alterior motives he is trying to hide...).
  10. As far as homosexuals go, Christians have no power to do that anymore... As far as the other faith, that more refers to the Amelakites, Caananites, etc, that were driven out during the Exodus... It will be done in the Glorious Appearing though (have fun guys ). As far as slaves go, I can't answer that, I have tried to figure that one out myself... With the forbidden foods, I can't answer that one either... It was more a directive at Jews (who go by old testament law), but to say that Christians can eat pork etc but Jews can't would say that we are picking and choosing which Old Testament laws we want to abide by...
  11. The Media DOES exaggerate things though, and they also only report on the negative to make Republicans look bad,
  12. Thanks... I always forget to press the "renew" button instead of pressing enter...
  13. /bump Not not not not double not triple not a one-word post .
  14. Hey, not all of us are misguided, only a certain fraction...
  15. Then they have no idea what the Bible really says... Read John 3:16... It states that FAITH gets you to Heaven, not good works.
  16. In all liklihood, yes... Because God doesn't care if you are good or not (well, he does, but not in getting into Heaven). He wants you to believe that he sent his son to hang on a cross to save you from your sins and eternal death. He makes it painfully easy to get into Heaven, yet, sadly, many many people refuse to believe and accept, and go to Hell.
  17. God DOESN'T choose favorites. He loves everone equally, but he will only allow those who believe his son came to earth and died for us to reside with him.
  18. KC, you didn't get a mod job here nor will you ever. Deal with it, and stop trying to insult the current mods.
  19. I go to a protestant church. The whole "do good things and you will get to Heaven" derives from Roman Catholicism, which I do not recognize as true Christianity (because it taught/teaches that you get to Heaven by being Catholic, supporting the Catholic church, and doing good).
  20. Yeah, that's what I thought, but I didn't realize that mods even had that power...
  21. If you are a Christian then you will go to Heaven... Regardless. God is a God of second chances (and third, and fourth, and fifth, you get the idea). God doesn't tell his people to brainwash themselves. They still have a free will, they can do what they please, but most true Christians try to live by what the Bible says.
  22. As an aid in discerning good and evil .
  23. Woa, hey. You DO NOT get into Heaven by doing good works. You get into Heaven by accepting Jesus Christ as your Savior. To get into Heaven, you must believe that Jesus died on the cross to take away the sins of the world.
  24. Sorry . Mods have the ability to fine people?
  25. I will dig out The Prisoner of Azkaban sometime and show you. And I do make my own choices, but myself and my mom have come to the same conclusion. And YES, I live a sheltered life, and if anyone has a problem with that, tough, it is the way my parents chose to raise me.
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