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Everything posted by Spaceman3750

  1. offtopic, but why do you have an image about boycotting the record industry in your sig?
  2. But you don't chose your vocation in communism! The government chooses for you. Why do you think everyone is fleeing from Cuba? It is because of their oppressive communist government.
  3. Everyone, and I mean every single human being is capable of achieving first-class living if they are willing to work hard for it. Most of the people who are in poverty in the US are there because they aren't willing to work for it and would rather rely on the government or because they squandered away their high school years and didn't get a diploma or go to college. It is in no way the fault of the government that people don't have jobs, and it is not their job to correct it. It is the job of the individual person to get a job and provide for themselves. If they chose not to, that is their choice, but they should not burden the government with their laziness nor try to eliminate social classes because they are unwilling to work or are unable to because they don't have an education.
  4. The problem with socialism is that the people have no incentive. If they work hard, they get the same pay and treatment as those who don't do anything, therefore, the people don't even bother to try to get a good job or make something of themselves, because they will make the same amount of money, get the same housing, etc. as everyone else.
  5. I think it would be a good idea to configure and use the IPB warn system like on KL. It would be much easiar than fines and would allow for bans for multiple infractions.
  6. My gosh, that is terrible. That damages Adobe's image. I would expect a much more serious and high-quality site than this. That really does not make people think seriously about how piracy is illegal, all it does is show how it is funny when computers spit CDs back out. My views on piracy: It sickens me when I think of our culture today and how we think that it is OK to steal another person's work.
  7. I personally am a fan of AMD processors. They provide the same, if not more, power as an Intel and without the high cost.
  8. But I mean we have the forum permissions to? I never noticed that button...
  9. Careful, dems are fighting words (well, to myscrnnm anyway)
  10. Honestly, I am a bit skeptecal of the 360 because of the often-low quality of Microsoft products. In addition, I am leary of online gaming with a console based on the Windows architecture. You are just asking for trouble when you do that (though probably less than using Windows itself).
  11. Hm? We can ban people?
  12. myscrnnm, alot of people use AIM. Yes it is terrible. But don't tell other people to shut up because you disagree with them. I don't care how right you think you are. If we were to go by your logic that you use whenever you are trying to prove everyone else wrong, AIM is the best IM client because so many people use it. So now I tell you this: you shut up, just because someone disagrees with you does not give you the right to insult them. Period.
  13. Who the heck would buy the bananna, that thing is huge...
  14. Here is an incident that happened the other day at school. It's halarious, enjoy! I was walking out of harmony and I was behind this group of people that didn't know I was thare. The following conversation took place: Hannah: You know Ryan? Someone: Ryan who? Jacob: Ryan [my last name] Hannah: Yeah, that creepy guy. Me: Oh yeah, that creepy guy that is standing right behind you. *Laughter* Hannah: Oh god Moral of the story: When talking about someone behind their back, make sure that they are not standing behind yours.
  15. And you know this why?
  16. I wonder how many pedophiles and perverts buy one of those.
  17. What the heck are you talking about?
  18. I like games with good graphics and gameplay. For example, I am less likely to play a game where the characters are basically poly-people than one with well-designed graphics.
  19. Yeah, let me find the PHP code to do it. EDIT: It's some code on a blog buried deep within spreadfirefox.com. Anyone know off the top of their head what it is?
  20. Hey, I'm not the one who began this argument . Anyway, either way, my opinion of spam takes precedence over his .
  21. IE doesn't adhere to W3C standards when parsing web pages. It has it's own set of rules when parsing web pages. I would recommend designing a mirror of your site compatible with IE and using PHP or JavaScript to figure out which browser your visitor is using and redirect them to the proper area.
  22. But they could have easily been condensed into one post. They had no reason to be posted in seven different topics.
  23. www.bypassbrowser.com is very good . Plus I want to support the guy who runs it
  24. Darn, I guess I have to learn VB now, don't I?
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