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Everything posted by DmC

  1. Nothing major. But as you can't do it by yourself with 2-3 clicks don't even bother. It's fine as it is Thanks for the interest though
  2. This is impossible because PTR records (reverse DNS) can only be added by by owner of the IP block (in this case djbob). I just want to make my dedicated IP resolve to the domain associated.
  3. DmC

    Ns Records?

    Nope.. :s
  4. I see that on stevie we use apache version 2.2.16. However, in version 2.2.20 a bug was fixed: If someone exploits that, he could suspend accounts due to over-use of CPU and RAM. Right? I'm not sure about it (coz i'm not sure if httpd runs per account or per server.. ) or if its applicable in our case, but i posted it just in case you've missed it or smth. Feel free to delete it if its irrelevant.
  5. DmC

    Ns Records?

    Nameservers will change @ the registry ofc, however, it's needed to include those nameservers (by adding NS records) in the zonefile of the domain. But i dont see any option for NS records inside cpanel. Only A, CNAME and TXT. And, no, i use my own domain.
  6. Thank you djbob. I wonder, is possible to ask for a PTR?
  7. DmC

    Ns Records?

    I'm not able to find how to add NS Records in DNS Settings in Stevie Cpanel. I'm asking that because i'm gonna use ns1.heliohost as primary nameserver, however, i will also use secondary servers too so i need NS records Do i miss something? Thanks:D
  8. I've just send the money (12$) through paypal to admin@heliohost.org for a dedicated IP address. Details for the account are included in the paypal message. Do i have to do anything else? Best Regards,
  9. DmC

    Bug Report

    You're welcome
  10. DmC

    Bug Report

    Also, as we talk about the buttons i believe the button in www.heliohost.org Support -> Scripts -> "Domain" should be renamed to "Domain Change". Don't you agree?
  11. I would like to report a bug on the page http://feedback.heliohost.org/index.php. Button Hyperlinks on the top of the page are not working. None of them Go on that page and click on "Home", "Features" etc etc to reproduce it.
  12. Hey i did not said that Stevie is slow. It's speed/response time is reasonable for so many users sharing one machine. I just said that as far as we talk about stevie is fine. On the other hand jonnie is really slow. I firstly signed up here on jonnie. The next day i deleted my account because i was not even able to configure the DNS records in cPanel. I had to reload the page 5-6 times I know that many users will not like what i'm saying but if i were you i would reconsider some things about jonnie. Personally, i believe that -as we talk about free service- its better to have 2 machines serving users at no cost with a little less features and better quality than one good and one "highly unstable". Of course everything i'm saying is intended to improve and not to offend.
  13. It could be nice if we were able to delete our posts/threads when noone has replied after it.
  14. 1) You make a few big queries to the DB, you get banned for ToS Violation. Nothing much, just setup a local phpMyAdmin and you'll get banned really soon. Of course you will lose all of your files. Just like that. 2) Today i'm having an exam in my university and i had some files uploaded in one of ther "free" accounts. The files were uploaded yesterday. Today ~5 hours before the examination i saw a nice page of them: Under review for 6 hours by now for about 20 php files and 2-3 css files. Good job 000webhost. Keep it up (not). :angry: Did you have any such experience with them? Unfortunatelly i dont have time to modify my php files to be compatible with the php server here in heliohost. 2 things are facts: 1) After the examinattion is over, ill delete and ill never use again their service. 2) Heliohost is not very fast but (at least on stevie ) you have an acceptable service. Thanks for reading.
  15. Nice to hear that! Mine is also working since today
  16. Yeah, it's normal. It looks like your account was created successfully, and the nameservers and all that are set correctly. Just need to wait ~24 hours or so now. Thanks Krydos
  17. It seems that HelioHost Nameservers are not configured (yet?) for this domain: Nameserver trace for fx1991.com: Looking for who is responsible for root zone and followed j.root-servers.net. Looking for who is responsible for com and followed l.gtld-servers.net. Looking for who is responsible for fx1991.com and followed ns1.heliohost.org. Nameservers for fx1991.com: ns1.heliohost.org returned (NORECORDS) ns2.heliohost.org returned (NORECORDS) I guess you'll have to wait
  18. I have heard that the reason they have been charging for static IPs is because IPv4 doesn't have nearly enough possible addresses and the internet is basically out of IPs, as soon as everything gets switched over to IPv6 we will have essentially an unlimited number again and stuff like static IPs should become free again. We'll see. It's sometimes tough to get people to stop charging for things once they start. Just like it's tough to get governments to cut programs once they are created. It's a chain actually. The RIR will charge the LIRs. LIRs will then charge smaller providers or end customers.. So we need to pay for the static ip as we "remove" its availability from the general pool and someone pays for it. However you are right, IPv6 can support 340 undecillion addresses so its pointless to charge them. On the other side, i could think a reason for ISPs to charge Pv6. -> A "privilege" to have your very own address.
  19. I know , i changed the nameservers thinking that this can be helpful and i think the nameservers doesn't related to my add on problem . You've left the old nameservers active in your domain: Domain servers in listed order: NS1.HELIOHOST.ORG NS2.HELIOHOST.ORG NS3.HOSTABLE.COM NS4.HOSTABLE.COM If you want to keep them, make sure that you configured them as secondary (to load the zonefile from heliohost) or you may have problems. If you dont know what i'm talking about remove the HOSTABLE.COM nameservers completely.
  20. Hi, Today i've signed up on stevie for a new account but for an unknown reason, no email for confirmation and i can not find my username on the queue. However, if i try to register again it says that the domain exists: EDIT: Finally the email came (a bit late), however when i'm trying to access the domain, it says "ACCOUNT QUEUED". I suppose this is normal right? User: DmC Server: Stevie Domain: dslamaniac.co.cc Thank you for your consideration of this matter
  21. Is this one-time fee or is per-month / per year?
  22. Nice script! Thank you cl58
  23. Hello, I would like to ask for a change on my main domain name in cPanel because i want to use my own domain. Please change the domain from <>.heliohost.org to <> My username is: <> Hosting Server: Jonnie If its not possible to change it, delete my account completely and i will sign up again. Thank you for reading my post :)
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