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Everything posted by DmC

  1. Hey guys, I've asked you before to turn off the AutoSSL function for my account. After I've realized that's a pain in the ass to renew manually every 3 months, could you please turn it back on for me? Thanks deny @ tommy
  2. I've mentioned it (the swap weird behavior) yesterday on my own topic but it was just marked as solved. Something's really wrong with Tommy these days I guess
  3. It's not just you. On cPanel server Information, all daemons related to mail (exim,imap,mailman,pop,lmtp) are down.
  4. Swap is having a hard time too I notice: Swap 99.98 %
  5. It seems that somehow /var got to 96% and things started working again. But 96% is a certain downtime really really soon again
  6. Ironically, WP was actually the direct cause of at least one if not more than one of the /var issues. The downtime was basically a result of WP getting infected and sending spam (email lives on /var when it's waiting to be sent...in that case, the spam never sent because it was spam, so it sat and clogged up the space). We recommend not using WP if at all possible for this and many other reasons... Maybe, I don't even know if it's possible, pending to be sent mail should be put on another partition, /var/something or /something. Because (I guess) that way only the outbound mail function will break in such a case, not everything. I don't even have inbound mail currently. Hopefully the pending inbox mail won't get lost
  7. I think it's time for a root crontab hourly job where the script will check the /var allocation and wipe it clean if its more than 90%. Or reducing the accounts. Or making /var bigger. Or something. This is a daily issue.
  8. Internal Server Error 500 The system failed to open the session file “/var/cpanel/sessions/raw/:XyA_S2NFuNpqDEcE” because of an error: No such file or directory at /usr/local/cpanel/Cpanel/Session.pm line 268. cpsrvd/ Server at tommy.heliohost.org
  9. I was thinking of a php function that will create a zip from /home/user/mail and feed it to the Dropbox Api for upload. The issue here is that mail is outside of webroot so php functions are unable to access it. Are there any alternatives?
  10. TLS 1.0 is obsolete and should be disabled sooner or later: https://blog.pcisecuritystandards.org/are-you-ready-for-30-june-2018-sayin-goodbye-to-ssl-early-tls https://www.globalsign.com/en/blog/disable-tls-10-and-all-ssl-versions/ https://www.comodo.com/e-commerce/ssl-certificates/tls-1-deprecation.php All modern clients support 1.1 and 1.2 and many of them even TLS 1.3, kill the 1.0 already
  11. Can you have a look on your free time to see if I got cloudflare correctly? xD
  12. I missed the answer. Is it possible to implement what I ask or not after all?
  13. Well it can always be done manually by adding the entries inside my zone file
  14. May I ask for to be added to allow-transfer and an NS record "ns2.afraid.org" for both my domains under deny @ Tommy? I want to use a secondary dns server in case of outage.
  15. Well at least I found a bug xD Maybe krydos can improve its code a bit?
  16. I've used the direct Tommy link. Removed it and logged in. Again, directly.
  17. WTF though. Who could possibly consume resources to DDoS a free hosting. What the actual f**K.
  18. Hey @wolstech I just logged in. Can you see it? PS: I wonder if it's the 2 way authentication that messes with login record.
  19. Hello people, Again I just received an email todsy for login reminder. I've literally login to my account using helionet.org!/login yesterday. Hopefully I won't get suspended. Deny@tommy
  20. Krydos I'm pretty sure it did as you would have been spammed by messages if that was wide. I'm also sure that I've logged in too though and I just opened this thread in case there's a non always reproducible bug.
  21. I've copied the wrong link when I was writing the post yesterday as I've mistaken entered the second email saying that my account has been discontinued. The rest of the story is correct.
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