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Everything posted by nightwing14

  1. http://www.tutorialized.com is very good....for Flash.. try http://www.flashkit.com Should help a lot =)
  2. Why do you say that?
  3. Mine is the Mercedes CLK-GTR The sad thing is...the last I heard...it cost $1,300,000 =O http://www.automotoportal.com/media/images...724006.1_mn.jpg http://members.tripod.lycos.nl/Vorden/pics/clkf.jpg You gotta admit....that's one sweet ride
  4. That was the first thing that I thought of....but now....I would have to say Woody the Woodpecker......anyone else remember that? It's not tooo old school....but I would still consider it old-school
  5. I definitely agree....byfar the best...I have read the books and I must say...It doesn't seem like filler at all. =) Although they DID cut out a lot. But that's understandable considering that it's a huge book.
  6. I got stuck in that....I don't know what to do. Lol....but I really like the Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King for GameCube...I'm a huge LOTR fanatic. =D
  7. I used to be in love with them both!! Now I'm not so into them, but I still like them a lot.
  8. I violin, keyboard, guitar, and sing =)
  9. I love all genres...it's weird....I can become accustomed to any type of music.....I'm a huge fan of heavy/death/black metal (Amon Amarth...Escape the Fate...From First to Last)...But I also just recently moved away from the really hardcore stuff and now my all time favorite band is Plain White T's =)
  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UlAkOhH9eek LOL.....just watch and laugh....the last guy is by far the funniest
  11. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LdgdBOTUSqg This is probably one of the funniest online things I've seen in a while =D
  12. I know that this is a little off topic....but why do you prefer Ubuntu? I just recently heard about it and I did some research. I'm planning on switching to it on my laptop. This is because I'm more reliant on my desktop...Plus...my laptop isn't the best... I need to know before I change my XP to Ubuntu....is it worth it? Btw...I don't have the XP reinstall CD so I'm stuck with Ubuntu if I do it.
  13. For me.....it'd have to be....A Knight's Tale
  14. Check out Basshunter or Darude =)
  15. Probably means your account has been deleted - that happens 15 days after suspension. But I created it the day before it didn't work....=/
  16. Ehehe, yeah, Tiger OS X is major eye-candy. That's why I customised my PC to resemble it I used FlyAKiteOSX to make my PC look like a Mac =D
  17. What're your opinions? I personally think it'll kill Vista....you?
  18. Lol....this one's good (You gotta have an accent saying it though) Yo madda is soooooooo fat....Dat when she jump fo joyyyyyy....She got stuck =D Russel Peters =) I love this post!! Another.... Your so ugly....that when you were born....yo mama got a ticket for litttering!
  19. I can't seem to register for a website....I did it once...but it still wasn't approved...now I can't even access it....It doesn't say suspended anymore...It says "Server cannot be found" I don't know what to do. Help! Thanks!
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