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Everything posted by Geou

  1. I really recommend Death Note. By the way, do you know what episode Adult Swim left off on Case Closed/Detective Conan? I want to get back into it.
  2. Maybe I should change that to weakest processor (at least I think Genesis had a stronger one...). It just kinda shows that for all the bells and whistles, a console can't succeed if it's not accessible and has great games.
  3. My friend plays this, although I'm not really into text-mmos.
  4. It seems interesting, but too late for me to jump in...
  5. Kinda unrelated, but it's funny how the system with the worst graphics wins each gen.
  6. What's this game about?
  7. Whoa, I forgot about the whole "Sneak" thing! I wish they kept Fred and George's "Give her hell, Harry!" And they COMPLETELY left out Ron and Hermione becoming prefects, Ron joining Quidditch, and Quidditch period! o_o
  8. Yeah, I use CamStudio 2 as well, it's great.
  9. I don't think anyone'd PREFER dial-up to broadband...
  10. One problem: most people buying a GAME console just want the GAMES.
  11. One book (I forget the name, something like 13th Train, like the Harry Potter thing) was really dull... I didn't connect to the characters at all. The main character was a hag or something. A total waste of money...
  12. I'm 99% sure that this kind of topic is not allowed in this forum. Try it in that off-topic forum where post count does not increase.
  13. That type of image is commonplace across anime forums and stuff. It's nothing special, but it is pretty good quality.
  14. Well, the $500 60gig PS3 has been discontinued. Now they're only going to sell $600 80gig PS3s. Sony is run by geniuses.
  15. But it's kinda symbolic, don't you think? Two former big rivals, now in the same game! A trend that seems to be forming, with the Mario and Sonic in the Olympics game.
  16. Heh, well I saw it two days ago. It was a great movie, I liked it more than the other Harry Potter films. It managed to cover most of the big points of the book as well. One thing that bothers me though, is that did *SPOILER* Cho Chang ever explain why she told Ms. Umbridge about Dumbledore's Army? I haven't read the book in a while... *END SPOILER*
  17. Also, the extensions are a really big factor in why I think Firefox is the best. No other browser has them like Firefox.
  18. xD, I love the parody!
  19. Hmm... well, once there is greater compatibility for Vista, it's something I will look into.
  20. Lol. Not bad stuff.
  21. Geou


    Haha, this is pretty interesting!
  22. Some people I know talk about this series.. what's it about exactly?
  23. I think it starts around October...
  24. I'm listening to Cupid's Chokehold. It's a pretty good song.
  25. Well, I like Linkin Park, if that counts. I have the "Meteora" CD.
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