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Everything posted by Demi:Pulse

  1. You pick it up fast in the movie - even if you haven't seen a shed of the TV show, you'll get a good knowledge. Even with that said, some of the jokes are inside, most are just... new.
  2. Sure. Just that all the water around the island would be evaporated. It's not much of an island then, though...
  3. Lv. 61 I/L Mage on Broa. Still alive to this day. And, it's more of a social game than anything. The buddy chat alone has eliminated the "boredom" of MMOs.
  4. Quoted for Truth. I want the same thing. XD
  5. If you really want, you can send it to me. That'd be nice.
  6. It worked the other day. o_0 http://blogcastrepository.com/blogs/ntpro/.../03/10/708.aspx This does the same thing.
  7. Really now? I was able to download it quite easily.
  8. More or less. And if it doesn't work next time, I'll stay with my [bleeped!] ads. XP
  9. *nudges the post* Sorry for the double post, but it's been 3 days (in my time zone), and I notice both admins are on. Please don't kill me. ;_;
  10. I've had experience with both, and I fully recommend Joomla over Drupal.
  11. Here ya go. Seriously, next time please use Google. It took me 3 seconds to find.
  12. Foobar2000. Plays MP1, MP2, MP3, MP4, MPC, AAC, OGG, FLAC , WavPack, WAV, AIFF, AU, SND, CDDA AND WMA, and only takes up about 1MB and a very small amount of RAM! And the thing's free. I love it, and use it all the time. =3
  13. Nope. Clean copy of FF.
  14. But Kyyyyyooooo.... *whines and fixes his post* Yoshi is awesome. Who can't resist a miniature green dinosaur that somehow manages to save children by passing them off "assembly-line-style" across an island? Who can't resist the fact that he ends up eating items, enemies, and other people and SOMEHOW turning them into eggs? And they come in multiple colors?! Who doesn't love a pink Yoshi?! <3 ( And he was pretty awesome in Super Smash Bros Melee. )
  15. I miss the dial-up connection screeches. I honestly do. But yeah, I use Broadband, and loving it.
  16. I broke the internet. ._.
  17. Strange, 'cause my ads just came up after a little while (maybe when it was verified?)
  18. It wasn't taking my username (like I thought I was supposed to in the first place, obviously not my display name), and I kept losing my Helions, so I figured if I did the ad-based, I could upgrade to ad-less because I needed to start the space ASAP. I'm a patient person, but some people were waiting on me. ;D
  19. The advertisements usually will come up in a few hours after activation. It is completely normal.
  20. No problem. As far as I know, since HN got a new server, this place has barely been down. If it does go down, there'll be a very good reason for it.
  21. Bring in the lawsuits - SOMEONE'S gonna sue for that!
  22. True, RK, but it's really hard to take the post starter serious. Besides, it's not like he's posting to back himself up.
  23. http://www.siteuptime.com/statistics.php?I...mp;UserId=23081 There is the server's uptime statistics. As of writing, HN is at 98.686% uptime.
  24. I just can't watch a movie over and over. It's not repeatable like music, IMO. That is, when I watch movies...
  25. ...It's case sensitive. Alright, that's where I screwed up. It's "Starlite".
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